Chapter Four

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(Emma): Good afternoon, Ace (Ace): Cut the shitty pleasantries and lets get to what I am paying for you, shall we? (Emma): Sure. What would you like to talk about today? (Ace): Well, when I was little, I always saw Joker and Harley on the news. There was always a killing spree, or they broke out of Arkham. I had nothing good to remember of them. It made me wonder why they never came looking for me (Emma): But eventually when you were old enough, you understood? (Ace): I guess. Those fuckers should not have been fucking around in the first place. Maybe if Harley just took a damn hint, then none of this shit would have happened. Like, how does your love life go so damn low that you settle for someone in a fucking insane asylum? (Emma): It could be because she saw something in him that she felt could become more? (Ace): Sure. Just like I am a monkeys uncle (Emma): What else happened? (Ace): There was a night where I saw them break out for the millionth time and it made me lose it. They had multiple chances to come get me, but they never took it. So, I set our house on fire and burned it to the ground. Selina panicked for a bit at first but then she taught me how to steal a deed, kill the owners and claim their home. That is how we were able to get our own places. But once I get my club upgraded, we can buy our own crib with our names on the deed (Emma): Seems to me like you had a self-destructive temper from a very young age. You have the ability to control it, you know? I do not believe a word that comes out of this bitch's mouth. It just never say right with me. Why did Harley choose Joker even though he caused her so much pain? Was she that blinded by love and the allure of power? I really do not believe that she is crazy. She was a psychologist, so she studied all kinds of behaviour. Maybe she pretends to be as psycho as the Joker because it is easier to accept his insanity and have him by her side than to work on it and lose him. If she had waited for the right guy, then maybe I would have been a happier child. However, this is Gotham City, and a normal life is as mythical as unicorns themselves around here. (Emma): You have the power to choose what to do with the pain. It can be your torturer or teacher but ultimately it is up to you to decide what you make of it. Nobody else can make that choice for you, Ace (Ace): Why the absolute fuck do I listen to Selina when she says that I must come back here? All I get from these sessions are ass pains from the chairs and bumper sticker quotes from you This has not been teaching me anything. Is therapy supposed to teach you shit? No wonder I dont like it here! This shit space is a second-rate classroom! I never cared for school anyway. Home schooling is not exactly the same as being in a public school where you could be a bully or a popular bitch. A place where you can bunk classes, have parties, and have boyfriends who do not plan on having you dead. Maybe I am just hoping for too much. Who knows if I will ever let the shit of the past go? Nobody knows! If my plans are to get rich and drown in tequila, then you best believe that I am going to get filthy rich and drown in some good fucking tequila! I am not a five-year-old anymore that people try to control and use as a puppet to do whatever they please. People tend to think that they can screw around with me and not end up dead as a consequence of their actions. Its their loss. (Emma): You always lash out when you start to realise that there is a possibility of truth in what I am suggesting. You have the power to change the world, Ace. Gotham is a place where things can go from bad to worse if you let it (Ace): Yeah, so? (Emma): You are not listening to me. I am saying that things will go bad if you allow it to. So, you could perhaps try to not let it go that way as it used to (Ace): Youre fucking with me, right? That is easier said than done (Emma): Quite frankly, I think you can do it What the fuck? Now I get a pep talk? This is a complete shit show straight from a donkey's ass and it smells like fart on a cracker. Well, I can tell you that I am not eating it or buying it. Why does she talk about things like that and then expect me to just accept the shit she is spitting in my face? Therapy. A place where dreams come to die. Or just souls to be honest. I felt my soul die more the second I stepped into this fucking place. Being a therapist is already bullshit but having to spend years studying the damn thing she must really have a thing for being stuck up. I pity her just a little bit. So much crap has been going on and now I have to endure a lecture about making the world a better place? Some of us dont exactly have the same heart as Michael Jackson, okay? I wish that I could have started a new life. Sometimes I even wish that I had never been born in the first place. Being able to be in a different place, at a different time with different people to call parents that is the dream that I have been having since forever. Who knew that life only gets more fucked up once you are born? Nobody tells you this but maybe that is why babies scream their lungs out because they know that life only gets shittier from thereon. (Ace): I am going to go catch a cab and do something fun. Bye bye Birdy I make sure that I go straight to Dice and just relax. This is all getting way too much now. Just need to get a couple drinks in me. Actually, I want to head home and get some sleep. That therapy session took a load of energy out of my system. It feels like I was drained completely. I just dont have the time for Selina anymore. This shit is crazy. I wake up and the club is being set up again. Damn it! I fell asleep here. The staff let me stay here but I head home and pass out again.

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