Chapter Thirteen

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(Ace): Remember when I said that I was so afraid of being sent to Arkham? (Emma): Yeah? (Ace): Turns out that I already was (Emma): Im listening (Ace): A couple years ago, there was a shitty bar that I used to go to. This guy was grabbing a young girl (Emma): So, you stopped him? (Ace): I hit him so fucking hard and jammed a knife in his windpipe (Emma): You killed him? (Ace): Him and his entire crew. I laughed so hard and then the cops showed up. Everyone said that I seemed like a lunatic with the way I was going on, so they said I was mentally unstable (Emma): Then you ended up being thrown into Arkham? (Ace): Yeah but I heard from Selina that I broke down and lost it when I got back home (Emma): It must have been hell for you (Ace): But that is the thing I loved it there! (Emma): Wait what? Are you trying to say that you had a breakdown because you didnt want to leave Arkham? (Ace): That is exactly what I am saying. Everybody was my bitch! Around that time, Joker and Harley had broken out so Batman was still trying to catch them which meant that I was enjoying my freedom (Emma): You-had-fun-at-Arkham-Asylum? (Ace): Yes (Emma): A playground for murderous, psychopathic lunatics and torturers? (Ace): Bitch durh! The place was so easy to control, and the guards were in my pocket (Emma): Then why did you hack your way out? (Ace): I got word from the guards that Joker was caught and being brought into Arkham immediately. So, it was important to get the fuck out of there before that bastard got there (Emma): He never saw you? (Ace): Luckily, he never did. Maybe my breakdown was because he could have been able to see me if I had stayed longer? (Emma): That is also possible. Do you think that if he never came that you would have stayed there? (Ace): I think that is something that could have happened. But then people had me thinking about maybe having my own family and that changed shit (Emma): Did it now? (Ace): Yes, it did. I would not want my own children to suffer the way that I did. Not ever in a million years. It is too much pain to put on a child at any age Fuck am I going soft? I suddenly give a shit about people now? Selina and her smooth words. It is true though. I would not want my kids to have their mother or father living in Arkham. I know better than anyone what it is like to have both parents living in a crazy house with plenty of other fucked up people. You constantly wonder whether you are going to end up like them or if they might make your life worse than theirs. (Emma): I think that you are changing, Ace (Ace): I am just grabbing a decaf in a different mug (Emma): I mean that you are changing as a person (Ace): Oddly enough I do not want to stab you in the throat for saying that (Emma): What are your thoughts on your parents now? (Ace): I know that I might be changing but I am not fucking cured so dont use the damn p-word again! (Emma): Sorry. You are changing how you feel about the possibility of being a wife and a mother one day in the future. Has that changed the way that you feel about Joker and Harley as being mother and father? (Ace): Nope (Emma): Why dont you try to take a deep breath and think about it? (Ace): Nope (Emma): Think about it for a second (Ace): How about nope? You think that I should change my hatred towards them because of my slight change of perspective. You think that every single thing that happened until now should be forgotten because of my change in thought of motherhood (Emma): Ace, I- (Ace): No. No! You do not get to fucking speak right now! I contemplated on the idea of what kind of future my personal life could have and that somehow makes you think that I will change the way I feel about quite possibly the two most mentally-fucked assholes on the planet! Emma knows that she must not speak now. She is very good at reminding me of who I am. No way in hell am I going soft. I still had the nerve to break into Arkham after forcing the memory out of my head. Fuck this entire session! Fuck all of it! I am so sick of this bullshit! (Ace): If you do not mind and even if you do, I simply do not give a shit. I am going to walk out of here with this box of cupcakes and you will not stop me or ask for it back. You get paid. Go fucking buy another box if you need one Dice is still under construction so I cant exactly take a stroll down there just for a shot of tequila to calm me down. I also dont feel like going home. There is another bar that I can think of that I used to go to everyday until we built Dice. It is not as sexy or upbeat as Dice, but it got me through a lot of shit this side of the pond. There are more memories tied to that place than I can even begin to talk about. I loved it there. I walk to the bar, and it smells like happiness in the air. I missed this more than ever. The smell of tequila and cologne makes me feel alive again and more like myself. Maybe this is the life that I was just born to have and to embrace it no matter what. Watching people get murdered or robbed in the street, seeing stores get robbed or blown up and then being a part of many of those crews it just feels weird and yet good at the same time because that is just the way that things go this side of Gotham. Maybe shit is just never going to change. We have to accept that and just live with it. Not many of us were able to have a shit load of money and to use it for whatever we want. I should just let go of all of the stress and just see where life takes me. Like a leaf blowing in the wind. I have to go with the flow. This place really feels like a home away from home somehow. I love it. The cake isnt too bad either. (Voice): Tequila and a resting bitch face. If looks could kill (Ace): Rachel?

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