Chapter Three

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A good coffee really helps but it is decaf, so it is not as potent. I cant have normal coffee because of my stomach condition. No coffee, cool drink, energy drinks I should not touch alcohol either but if I have to eliminate so many options then I dont give a fuck about letting myself blackout to not feel the pain. I will be too drunk to feel the pain anyway. Life sucks in that category because pain pills dont always help like liquor. Stress makes it worse and that makes me feel excruciating pain for at least an entire day. I am sober now thankfully and Selina left early for her mission. After about thirty minutes, I walk into the therapist office and go in for my session. Emma looks shocked but smiles and asks me to have a seat. (Ace): You want to hear my life story? Let me tell you about my first boyfriend. His name was Roger Peters. He worked for Batman and had a cover as a lawyer (Emma): That was his name? As in he died? I nod my head in agreement with her question. (Ace): We met at a karate class that I took once a week. Selina thought that it would be a good way to keep me focused for missions. We bumped into each other afterwards and went out for coffee (Emma): What was he doing at a karate class? (Ace): He was working for some cause. He was doing research on me and telling Batman lies about me. So, he was ordered to kill me (Emma): When did you find that out? (Ace): Before I shot him in the head the neck and both of his legs Roger seemed like a great guy in the beginning. They all seem great in the beginning. He was understanding and quite generous. He knew just what to say and when it needed to be said. A handsome man with a silver tongue. There was not one woman who was not after him except myself of course. I thought he was a fake... I turned out to be right in the end. (Ace): I should have fucking noticed that something was off (Emma): You didnt see the signs because you were in love with him (Ace): Bullshit! I have never been in love in my entire life! (Emma): Acehe made you vulnerable and then was ordered to kill you. That really hurts a person (Ace): Well, I dont remember everything. We were about to go on a date when I found out that the lovely Batman is my fucking uncle (Emma): Wait what? (Ace): He is related to the Joker. Anyways, I found this out and immediately hated him more. Why didnt he come look for me? If he knew who I was then why couldnt he come find me? Its like he didnt have enough money or resources. The guy owns the whole fucking Wayne Manor and is pretty much a billionaire. I just wonder why the fuck he made the choice to not come look for me if he knew that we were family (Emma): Maybe he was afraid that you would shut him out because of your father (Ace): Whatever! Back to the story. We went on a date at a skate park. It was going great until he told me that he worked for Batman and wanted to see me dead. He stabbed me in my leg and dragged me through the street telling me that it would benefit the world if I no longer existed (Emma): Im so sorry Ace (Ace): It hurt at first but then it all just stopped. You could say that I went numb. I held onto a streetlight to stand up and shot him several times. Watching him lay there felt so good. The next thing I knew, I was in a private medical hideout and Selina was helping me Remembering what happened makes me feel dizzy and I pass out onto the floor. My body feels heavy, and I feel like Im falling. Emma is shaking me as I slowly wake up. What the hell was that about? The tequila? Cant be it has been hours since I drank it so it cant be messing with me now. (Emma): Sit up straight. Have some water. It will help Why is she being so nice to me? Is she high or something? If she is then can I get some? It would be lovely to not feel as shitty as I do right now. Maybe she isnt high. Drunk? She cant be drunk. I would have smelled the liquor on her breath by now. Oh well. The water helps me relax. (Emma): It must have been exhausting to relive that memory because it caused you to faint. I am so sorry that he did that to you She puts the empty glass in the sink and sits back in her chair. These armchairs feel so smooth and almost like a pillow. I could live in these damn chairs. Where does she buy these? Online shopping? She doesnt seem like someone who sits in bed at night shopping for shit online. Maybe she is just a shopaholic but, in the malls, only I wish I was at the mall right now. At least I could go get a doughnut or something. (Ace): I think that we talked enough for today (Emma): I fully agree with you. Why dont we end the session early so you can go home and relax? (Ace): Sure, whatever I go outside because I have had enough of that shit today. That was so weird but at least it is over now. Reliving it made me feel weak then, but it makes me feel so much stronger now. All of that pain taught me so many lessons and that is where my trust issues got worse. Selina spent the longest time earning my trust. She is like a mother to me. Heck, she could even be my mother. If it wasnt for her, I would have died in the street a long time ago. Gotham is definitely not for any weak bitches who take shit lying down. You need to take life by the balls and show it whos boss. I never had the patience for most people in this city. You eventually get tired of the fuckers that just want to use you. It ends up making us different people. We are quick to fire our weapon instead of talk. Its on because we have wasted too much time talking. My phone buzzes and it is a text from Selina: Hey Kitty. We need to talk, okay? Get some rest but tomorrow we need to have a serious conversation. Love ya! I wonder what this is about. There are no cameras in the room, right? That would be an invasion of my privacy. I guess that we will find out tomorrow.

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