Chapter Six

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Today has to be better than the past couple of days. Selina spoke to me for about seven hours straight. We sorted everything out and she said that I do not have to meet Batman if I do not want to. I refuse to call him Bruce because that suggests Uncle Bruce and that is total bullshit. Emma looks relaxed as she is standing in the hallway. (Emma): The old office is still being repaired. Follow me Fucking instructions at one oclock in the afternoon. Great! We head to a different room after standing in the elevator for what felt like forever. The usual white walls, red furniture, and a metallic black desk. This time she has drinks on the table. Wait a second she has a fridge, kettle, microwave, and a snack bar. Fucking amazing! I should have had that wall blown up a long time ago! (Emma): Cake? (Ace): Fuck yeah! She gives me a look and it pisses me off. (Ace): Fuck yeah thanks? She sighs and smiles. What the fuck is wrong with what I said at first? So damn demanding. (Emma): Lets talk more about what it was like when you first started doing robberies (Ace): We had this one robbery that was supposed to be squeaky clean. Selina was on the far side of this building where a drop was supposed to happen. Fantastic looking jewels from Abu Dhabi. I had to let everyone know if the cops were around and I alerted them on time but got shot in the leg on my way out (Emma): Oh my gosh. Everyone was out already? (Ace): Yeah but Bane picked me up and got me out of there. They got me patched up and I couldnt go anywhere for months. Rachel and I would watch cartoons and plan fake schemes together (Emma): Rachel as in Raven, right? (Ace): Oh my fuck. Yes, as in Raven. Follow along please! Should I make you a list? Damn it I hate having to explain myself to this woman. Can she just listen for once? Therapy is such shit. Why do I keep coming back? Well, today I am definitely here for the food and drinks. Too bad that this bitch does not have any tequila or liquor at all from what I see. That would make this session so much easier. Well, I know that it would make it way more tolerable. Thats for certain. (Ace): We just enjoyed having fun. We were kids. Her mother died a long time ago and her dad was a total dick. She thought that she could trust him, but he was always an asshole deep down Emma looks as if she is about to bug the shit out of me once again. (Ace): If you ask me if her father is Trigon, I will literally throw you with this chair (Emma): Alright then. You mentioned that you would plan fake schemes. What would they be like? (Ace): Poisoning Superman with kryptonite. Giving Wonder woman cocaine and watch her jump all over the city. Maybe even give the flash some drugs, tie us to him and use him as a taxicab (Emma): Why would you do these things? (Ace): Like I said, we were kids. We would make jokes about putting fireworks in Green Arrows bag so he could fuck up a stealth mission. Maybe creating an exploding bottle that would freeze Mr Freeze in jelly. We even joked about painting a dick on Batwomans place. Then put shit in her drinks that would change her voice into sounding like Batman That last one is still something that could possibly happen. (Emma): Sounds to me like you two were very smart for young girls. Perhaps you were too obsessed with crazy adventures? (Ace): Bullshit! We were fucking awesome. At least we were until she joined that fucking group. As if Damian, Koriandr and Victor are better than me. I know that she likes Garfield, so I was not surprised there (Emma): Wait Robin, Starfire, Cyborg and Beast boy, I presume. You hate that she joined the Teen Titans? (Ace): Of course! We were badasses until she went off to be a wannabe fucking hero (Emma): Maybe it upsets you because if she could become a hero then maybe you could too? Okay, now this woman wants her neck to be broken. (Ace): Now you listen to me and listen very carefully, bitch. I am no fucking hero. Never was and never will be. I do not need some egotistical pussies to run around with in the unrealistic hope of saving the world because its too fucked up to save. The next time you think that you can convince me otherwise, your grave will be that very desk that you are sitting at. Got it? She is shaking like a little girl now. Maybe there was too much sugar in her coffee? I head out. Why is it that every time I come here, she tries to make me think that I must be a hero? Why is being a hero such a big deal? Why cant I just be me and have everyone accept that? Nobody goes up to the heroes and ask them why they dont want to be villains? I have never seen anyone tell Superman to go rob a bank or Robin to slit a burglars throat. I want to see them try. We all know that once you are a hero then people expect shit from you. Saving the world never made any sense to me. There is literally nothing left to save. People kill each other over stupid shit. Husbands and wives cheat on each other or beat each other up. Girls get impregnated and the guys leave them on their own or sometimes they leave the baby with the guy and disappear. So, tell me what is there to save? Are we going to save a world that is so consumed by greed and evil? I know that I do bad things but Im not a bad person and so many other villains arent bad people either. We just have had bad luck in our lives to the point of us becoming who we are now. We do not choose this life, it chooses us. If being a villain means that I get to be myself and get paid while doing that, so be it. I got a text that there is a party at Dice tonight and that sounds way better than a shitty therapy session. Time to go to party!

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