Chapter Fifteen

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I am sitting here in this chair, soaking wet. Why did I choose to go sit in a therapists office while I am soaking wet? I will let you know in just a second. (Emma): Why are you soaking wet? (Ace): A bitch rained on my parade (Emma): What are you talking about? (Ace): I met my mother yesterday (Emma): How was it? Wait, then why are you wet? (Ace): My father is also busy looking for me as we speak (Emma): Oh shit! Shouldnt you be in hiding? What if he finds you? (Ace): I had a breakdown after all of that. Drove out to the ocean and jumped (Emma): Ace, you tried to drown yourself? (Ace): I was on my way to being free from all of this shit but then things got even worse than ever (Emma): Your father showed up? (Ace): Worse. Arthur saved me (Emma): Arthur as in Arthur Curry? As in Aquaman? (Ace): As in my ex? Yes. He fucking pulled me to shore and saved me. I did not fucking ask for it (Emma): So, what did you do? (Ace): I got up and ran for it. I did not want to be anywhere near him but somehow I ended up here (Emma): Then how are you still wet after running in this heat? (Ace): Fucking truck drove through a puddle while I was running on the sidewalk. Got me completely but I was right around the corner from here (Emma): But Ace, how do you feel after meeting your mother? (Ace): It fucks me up mentally, emotionally all the damn way. She knew precisely where I was for years and never came to see me. I was right (Emma): Perhaps she still knew the danger that it put you in? (Ace): Well, there is still danger now, but she came to see me regardless of that (Emma): Things change, Ace. Maybe something in her life changed to the point of her wanting to come see you after all these years (Ace): Bullshit! She knew everything that was going on! Why didnt she come look for me? Was I not enough for her to care back then? I knew that I was not planned as a baby, but I did not expect to be worthless as well (Emma): You are far from worthless, Ace. Being an accident does not mean that she does not love you or that she wants nothing to do with you. You need to remember that. She knew that Poison Ivy and Catwoman would keep you alive and safe. She protected you albeit indirectly for your entire life. You are anything but worthless (Ace): She does not get it through her thick skull. She could have written a letter, called or literally anything It would have changed everything. Sometimes we just need to know for certain that we are not alone even when there are still people around us (Emma): I wish that I could tell you that it gets easier from here but that is not the way it works. You had it easy, but this is where it gets difficult (Ace): Had it easy? I will rather say nothing about that otherwise I might pop a blood vessel. I agree with you. Things are going to be tougher from here I need to be prepared for it. That does not mean that I dont wish that it could have been easier from the start (Emma): Definitely. Life gets tougher with its lessons when the quiz is around the corner (Ace): Quiz? (Emma): To test whether you have learned your lesson or not. If you didnt then more lessons get tossed at your head until you learn your lessons and pass the tests that life serves you (Ace): Feels like I am at school again. But I understand what you are talking about and something about it gives me a fuck-the-hard-times type of vibe (Emma): Yes. Can you believe that today is our last session? (Ace): Wait, it is? (Emma): Yes, it is. You have made so much progress since our first session, Ace. You listen more and you hardly lash out when you agree with what I am saying in your subconscious (Ace): I just cant believe that this is officially our last session. It feels like I spent my entire life here. Well, that would be quiet depressing (Emma): It does feel that way somehow. It could be because you have shared your life with me during every session even when it was severely draining or painful. We had the sibling lash outs and the drunken conversations (Ace): Before I walk out of that door I want you to promise me something (Emma): Sure. What is on your mind, Ace? (Ace): Find a guy that loves you. Please. I dont mean that to be a bitch. Its just I know that you are terrified but you taught me that overcoming your fears might be difficult, but it really will be worth it. Get married to the love of your life. Have fucking adorable children and never stop being the patient person that you are. Because Emma Potts, I have to figure out how you tolerated my crazy ass mood swings She laughs and pops a bottle of champagne. Time to celebrate! I check for cake and take out a few doughnuts. What can I say? I am not leaving here without having stuff from the snack bar. (Emma): I promise to do that. But you need to keep being the survivor that you are. Do not let your father scare you. You come from both Joker and Harley Quinn. You are both of them combined so you should not be afraid of them at all. They should be afraid to you, Ace (Ace): I actually love what you are saying today. Thank you, Emma. Thank you for everything. I had never known that it was seven possible to get to where I am today, but you somehow helped me find my way here. Literally. I would walk in here after being forced to by Selina and Pam then picture all the ways I could kill you as you would give advice during a session. You told me that you had hopes for me from the beginning and it used to piss me off every time I thought about it but now it puts a smile on my face to think about it (Emma): I am really proud of you, Ace. I know that you are proud to be a villain and I am not going to tell you to be a hero because you will throw me out the window for that suggestion (Ace): Yes, I would (Emma): But I hope that if you start a family one day you would be the villain that protects her own as if she were a hero. Not because she wants to be one but because shes that powerful that she can be both Damn.

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