22 | Closure

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Y/N: "...and a couple days later, I broke up with Ahri and moved to the Navori region, where I spent two years learning to control my magic under Shen."

I finished the recount of my past with a bated breath, terrifyingly anxious of how they would take it. At a time like this, I was actually rather thankful to be blind, so I wouldn't be able to see their faces.

At first it was silent, causing me to shift my weight between one foot to another, nervously waiting for a reaction—any reaction at all. Was it a mistake? Should I really have just kept it to myself? But it wasn't words that I found myself answered with. Instead, I felt a warm touch grab my hands.

Kai'sa: "What a horrible thing for someone to go through," she whispered softly, caressing the top of my hand, "I don't think you're a monster at all, (Y/N). They acted out of jealousy, and you simply defended yourself. And you too Ahri, I'm so sorry that happened to you."

The warmth grasping my hands left, and instead enveloped my entire figure as I felt two more bodies pressed against me. The furriness at my side told me one was Ahri, and I could only guess that the other was Kai'sa, squeezing us together in a comforting group hug.

Ahri: "Thanks Kai. I'm doing better though, I had years of therapy and mutual support. (Y/N), on the other hand, was alone all this time."

Y/N: "Well, during my time at the Kinkou Monastery, I did make something of a friend. I never saw her face though."

Akali: "Well," the rapper interjected, a slight edge in her voice, "you have us now, (Y/N). And, unlike those jackasses of friends you had, we won't turn on you. No matter what."

I felt my knees buckle. All this time, this sin that I've been carrying has been devouring me whole, dragging me into an inky black depth of self-insecurity and guilt that at first seemed inescapable. But now, even after knowing the truth about me, these people found it in their capability to accept me regardless. A small part of me whispered that it would just be the same. That one day, K/DA will abandon me just as Meshi, Kenza, Suyong, and Sui did.

But it was Shen's words that resonated in my head. If we live our lives, fearing fear itself, we remain shackled by the possibilities of what we are afraid to lose. It wasn't that I was never given a chance. It was simply that I was not giving myself that chance. And now, I think it's time that I do.

Seraphine: "(Y/NNN)! It'll be okaaayyyy!! I think you're a wonderful person. You're not a monster at all!!" Her voice was shaky as sniffles came out occasionally. I felt flattered that she would shed tears over someone like me. Her small hands placed themselves on my shoulders and shook me back and forth. Then, without warning, she dove into my chest with her arms hooking around my back. I could feel my shirt slightly getting damp from her tears. "Please don't think of yourself like that. You're just as human as any of us."

I pet her silken hair.

Y/N: "Thanks Sera. And you guys too, Kai'sa and Akali."

Seraphine detached herself from me and scooted over, making room for a much larger frame this time to give me a hug.

Ben: "I'm sorry. I had no idea you were holding onto something like that this whole time. You know you could have told me right? You're like my brother. I'll always be there for you."

I smiled bitterly to myself. Brother...huh. Years ago, I used the same word to describe Meshi. And now, I would use the same word to describe a man that's almost twice his height. I was hesitant to use it, but if I trusted anyone with my life, it would be Ben.

Y/N: "Thanks Ben. And I'll be there if you ever need me too."

With that, there was only one person who had kept quiet this whole time. If anyone were to yell and kick me out of the room right now, it would be her. Evelynn. I stood in anticipation, wishing I could at least see her face. Was it disgusted? Angry? Or perhaps she wasn't listening at all?

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