29 | The Songbird's Cry

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Seraphine POV

I remember the day I met (Y/N) like it was yesterday.

I was sitting on the edge of the fountain, blankly staring at the result of my last test with dazed eyes.


Now a 74 isn't necessarily a bad result, depending on the person, but for me, who relied on a scholarship to pay tuition, such was absolutely detrimental. A pitiful dread rose within me, a deep sinking feeling that tore at my heart. What am I going to do?

"Everything alright?"

A soft voice interrupted my musings. I instinctively flipped over my paper to hide my result and looked upwards towards the source, finding a (H/C) boy staring at me with concern.

I actually recognized this guy. Not only have I seen him passing by every once in a while, but he garnered a little bit of a reputation of being powerless, a statement that, in today's society, was as condemning as a curse. Apparently, he was actually really smart, but for some reason refused to ever participate in combat courses. This led people to think that he was just ashamed for being weak.

Me personally though, I have always found that to be a little dumb. My scholarship exempted me from combat courses as long as I could keep up my academic grades, and I've felt no difference in my life than someone enrolled in one. If it were me, I would rather have people excel in studies at a university than a warrior who can't even do math. Seriously, like Heimerdinger, the most esteemed researcher in Piltover, wouldn't get his ass kicked by literally anyone twice his size? 

Seraphine: "Huh? Oh, yeah. Just didn't do too well on my last test!" I said lightheartedly, awkwardly laughing it off.

He sat down next to me with a sympathetic smile.

Y/N: "Oh yeah, that always sucks. If it makes you feel better, I'm totally failing one of my classes right now."

I tried to stifle it, but I couldn't help the giggle that escaped me.

Seraphine: "Well I wouldn't say I'm failing, but that makes me feel a bit better. You're (Y/N) right? I think I've seen you around."

His hand, which I now noticed was bandaged, rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably.

Y/N: "Yeah, you probably have. I think a lot of people have."

Though I didn't show it, an internal frown carved itself onto my face. It was not really a hidden thing that powerless or weak people were hated in Runeterra. I've seen it with my own eyes—the starved and helpless on the streets of Zaun before I moved Topside. And...(Y/N) getting bullied on multiple occasions. 

But as I started to talk with him a little bit, I didn't get the sense that he was a bad guy at all. However, I could tell that he was carrying some kind of deep weight inside of him, judging by the hidden sorrow locked behind his eyes.

Why do people have to be so hateful?

To victimize another solely on their ability to fight...a person is much more than that. And that thought was all the more poignant seeing (Y/N) in front of me.

Seraphine: "Ah. I'm Seraphine. Nice to meet you."

He hesitated a bit before responding, but returned the sentiment.

Y/N: "Nice to meet you too."

I placed my test aside, content to completely forget about it for now. Instead, I spent the time talking to (Y/N), who behind all those terrible preconceived expectations from others, turned out to be a pretty nice guy. And pretty cute.

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