53 | Her Determination

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When I woke up the next morning, the sun shone outside just like another other day. As if in cruel dismissal of the events prior, unseen birds warbled in a unified melody, jubilantly demonstrating a peaceful quality to the day. I pushed myself up from the couch, my feet finding the floor. 

The first thing I noticed was the abundant number of beer cans strung across the floor. Ben usually was a clean, organized type of person, so it was extremely indicative of his disrupted mental state seeing the complete disarray of the area. With a stretch, I felt my body groan, then warm. I freshened myself up and returned to the living room.

I should clean this up.

It didn't take long, simply gathering the littered cans and disposing of them. But with each one, though light, I could feel the weight of frustration as I picked them up. When I finished, I looked out the window, sighing, and watched as the crowds of people continued on with their day.

Today was Saturday—the day I was supposed to spend with Kai'sa. However, my eyes flickered towards the closed door that separated the bedroom. I think it would be better if I were stay with him a little longer.

As if called by my thoughts, the door slowly pushed open, revealing a disheveled Ben. Deep bags were carved beneath his eyes, and behind those hazel lights, an exhausted sorrow rested. He gave me a weak smile, and I did my best to return it.

"Hey, good morning. How are you feeling?" I asked gently.

"I'm..." he took a deep breath then exhaled, "I don't know. Thanks for being here man. I appreciate it."

"Of course. Any time."

Ben shuffled over to the kitchen, pulling wide the refrigerator door. From behind the silver partition, he continued.

"Today's your date with Kai'sa right?" he asked.

I hesitated for a moment.

"Yeah," I said slowly, "but she'll understand. I don't have to—"

He closed the refrigerator with a chilled water bottle in hand and looked at me with a resigned expression.

"Don't. You should go."

"Really, Ben, it's fine. I want to make sure that you're feeling okay."

"And I'm saying that it's fine too." Ben drifted to the couch and sat. "I don't want you to have to give up things just for me. Besides, I think I might want a little bit of time alone."

"I...alright," I acquiesced. Still, I glanced at him with a reluctant worry. "Just let me know if you need anything. Whatever it is, I'll come."

"Thanks man. I'm glad that you're my friend."

A moment of silence passed. Even though he said his thanks, I still felt like I could've done something—anything—to have prevented this situation. Ben, upon seeing my lingering hesitation, produced a weak laugh while forcibly turning me around and slapping my back.

"Alright, get out of here. Go have fun and don't keep her waiting." 

"Ben..." I ultimately dropped my protest. I was, of course, still extremely concerned about him, but if he himself said he wanted to be alone, then I guess I would just have to accept it.

"Are you sure?" I asked again, reconfirming his decision.

He feebly smiled.

"Yeah. I honestly just need some space right now."

"Okay. Just don't do anything rash."

He chuckled.

"I won't. I promise."

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