41 | Nostalgia

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Day 41

Local fauna are scarce in northern regions of Freljord. As we move upwards, the rare species of life that do persist here, including vegetation, have adapted to the extreme weather conditions. Archaeological remains of  pre-Rune War tribal activity were found, and Dosvik has collected some artifacts for further preservation and study. Notably, further north is correlated with an increased interest in the Thousand Pierced Bear. Perhaps a deity of worship? Animalistic rituals remain common in these areas, with a heavy emphasis on spiritual reverence. Legends speak of a ram-like forge god beneath the mountains, however I doubt we will find any substantial evidence to support such existence.

I flipped the page, being careful not to tear the delicate paper of the old documentation.

Day 42

We continue our journey towards a supposed location called Yeti's Vigil, where there may be clues about the mythological species. Though, it may be difficult to continue so far north...

I sighed. Each log entry detailed almost the same things. While it was nice to learn about my father's scientific exploits, it wasn't the answers I was hoping for. No mention of my mother was made, and the only proof I had of her existence was a lucky photograph I found tucked in the pages of another record, one where she posed with my father's expedition team. She had much more life and vigor in her eyes than I ever remembered in my childhood. What caused her to become so sick?

Suddenly, I noticed that many things about her didn't add up. Things that I never questioned growing up but could very clearly see now.

Unfortunately, the answers weren't here though.

I closed the cover of the journal gently, setting it aside atop the stack of books and records I've already looked through. My hands rubbed my eyes, a dulling drowsiness gnawing at me. Maybe I should call it a night.

I pushed myself from the desk and exited the study, closing the door behind me softly. It was late at night, and the others were likely to be asleep at this time. I made my way down the unlit halls, careful not to be too loud, until I passed by the front door, noticing that the light outside was still on.

Did I forget to turn it off?

That's when I noticed one pair of shoes missing.

I crept over to the door and cracked it open slightly. A soft lantern light cast over me a warm orange that shielded me from the moonlight that washed down below. It was almost silent, except for the humming lullabies of unseen crickets. Poking my head out, I found a familiar form, sitting atop the brick wall that fenced in the house.

"Akali? What are you doing?"

She had a leg dangling over the wall as she hugged her other, staring distantly up into the starry sky. Her hair was untied, which was rare, leaving her multicolored gold and black hair to cascade down her back. Upon hearing my voice, she turned her torso to face me, her eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Oh, hey (Y/N). What's up?" she greeted.

The scene reminded me of when I found Evelynn on the balcony. That time, she was caught up in her own thoughts, and I was concerned that Akali was in the same situation.

"The light was still on. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Sorry, didn't think anyone was still awake. It's just being back in Ionia is kinda nostalgic."

Ah, so maybe it wasn't. I could relate though. Being back at my childhood home did have me feeling the same way.

At her words, I remembered that Akali said she previously trained at the Kinkou Monastery. Even though I stayed there for a while, I never once saw her. Well, I suppose I couldn't have, given the circumstances of my stay.

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