65 | Hiraeth

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This wasn't right. Kenza was dead. I killed him with my own hands. I watched as the life from his eyes faded beneath my ice. So how could it be that he was right before me? Living and breathing as if nothing had ever happened to begin with?

"You definitely drank way too much last night," he laughed.

Kenza pulled me up back to a stand while nudging me mirthfully. On the other hand, I couldn't stop my bug-eyed stare on his form. It was weird. He seemed older now, like whatever was happening was more than a mere reconstruction of my memory.

His hair was slightly longer and his features more defined. His presentation was a little more matured but still retained that wildness that was distinctly his style. He flashed me a toothy grin once he realized I was gawking at him.

Suddenly, another voice sighed.

"I told you so many times you needed stop."

I looked over.

It was Ben.

This wasn't right. Kenza and Ben wouldn't have ever met each other, much less stand together like we were now.

"Aw come on Ben. It's a special occasion. Let the guy have a little fun," Kenza said.

Ben rubbed the back of his neck in resignation.

"I guess you're right," the spectacled boy chuckled. "I shouldn't be lecturing the big man of the hour."

My bewildered gaze flickered between the two.


I couldn't find the words. A confusion so overwhelming took me by surprise that I could only stand there, paralyzed.

"Still though man, you good? You look like you just saw a ghost," the basketball player asked with concern. His emerald eyes glimmered with a caring attitude that he usually kept concealed.

"I'm...fine," I forced out. "Sorry, remind me. What's going on?"

Both Kenza and Ben looked at each other, then towards me. The former busted out into a laugh while the latter simply shook his head.

"Dude, you're messed up as fuck! You were totally fine when we were shooting hoops earlier. What's with this delayed hangover?" he guffawed.

Ben smiled and lightly hit my shoulder.

"How could you forget? We're on our way to meet with everyone else. We're celebrating your graduation after all. Piltover University, huh? Pretty big if you ask me," he congratulated.


How...did I forget something as important as that?

Four long years, and I've finally graduated. All of my friends were getting together to throw one big party. I regained my composure, shaking off that weird feeling from earlier.

"Yeah. I don't really know what came over me all of the sudden. Let's keep going," I assured them.

I couldn't help but feel like I was forgetting something. A distant nagging feeling that grew further and further away like a fleeting dream.

The three of us continued to walk down the sidewalk, exchanging conversation and jokes as we went. Eventually, we came across a house, and without even knocking, the door opened to reveal Ahri, who greeted us with a cheerful smile.

"Hey! About time you guys showed up. Akali was about to eat all the snacks if you guys didn't come soon."

With a gasp, Kenza pushed past the vastaya with worry.

The Ice in my Heart (K/DA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now