26 | Departure

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Evelynn: "Don't...pretend like you know me."

I stared at the dark ceiling, illuminated only by the thin strands of sunlight that dared peek through the curtains as I remembered her words. The room was almost completely silent, save for the gentle hum of the heater in the corner and the merry chirping of the birds outside that slowly began to rise in volume. However, such quietude only gave my mind free reign to wander about as it wished. Even now, I could still see the way she cast her eyes away in melancholy and the way her body trembled as she spoke. Before I even knew it, a deep sigh escaped my lips.

Suddenly, as if in harmony, a soft murmur at my side drew my attention. Next to me, Ahri lied with closed eyes, tightly pulling the blanket over her shoulder. I gently brushed back a strand of hair that fell over her face, being careful not to wake the sleeping vastaya, her limp tails slightly shifting as I did so. As I tried to slowly untangle myself from Ahri's legs underneath the covers, eventually her grip loosened and I was able to slip away. She murmured a sleepy huff and flipped over to the other direction.

I pulled the blanket off me and shuffled quietly to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After a couple of minutes, with the cold sensation of spearmint still lingering in my mouth, I left, carefully treading past Ahri and out the bedroom. Once out, I softly closed the door behind me, abandoning my delicate stride and resuming a normal walk into the living room.

Evelynn: "Good morning."

Well, speak of the devil. It was the very person of my thoughts, lounging on the couch, sipping on a mug of coffee as she scrolled on her phone.

Y/N: "Good morning," I greeted back. "I'm surprised you're not knocked out like the others."

She shrugged.

Evelynn: "I didn't drink as much as they did."

Y/N: "I see. Are you hungry? I can cook you some breakfast if you would like."

Evelynn: "It's alright," she answered, sipping her coffee. "I was going to wait until the others woke up. Trust me, after they throw up everything in their system, they're going to be rather hungry."

Y/N: "Mm, okay. Let me know if you change your mind then."

I kept her in the corner of my eye as I made my way over to the coffee machine to brew a cup for myself. The small appliance shuddered, thrumming to life as the black liquid cascaded from the spout and into the cup. After a small while, when it finished, I took the coffee by the handle, taking a sip and instantly feeling its warmth melt away the morning chill.

I leaned back onto the edge of the countertop, staring at the idol on the couch. I was unsure of how to approach her about the events on the balcony. At least for her, she was pretending like it never happened.

Evelynn: "What's up? You're staring at me so intensely. Are you that entranced by my beauty?" she smirked.

I took another sip of the steaming drink.

Y/N: "Maybe I am," I joked before taking a deep breath. My lips straightened out into a more serious expression. "You know Eve, if you ever want to talk about it, I'm always here for you."

Her teasing smile immediately crumbled. She clicked off her phone, pocketing it as she uncrossed her legs.

Evelynn: "Is this about what happened two days ago? I thought I made it clear that there's nothing to talk about."

Y/N: "You're lying. Eve, I've been there before. For several years of my life. I know what it looks like when someone's suffering inside."

Evelynn: "What do you think this is? Some kind of superhero movie? You're trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist," she said in sardonic laughter. She picked herself up from the couch and strolled over to the sink, placing down her mug in its silvery basin. "But good for you. You figured out your own life. Now keep yourself out of mine."

The Ice in my Heart (K/DA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now