Finding Home Again

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The Kamar Taj from this universe is different from yours. It's not in the Himalayas and it's not as big as the huge castle you're used to, more like a temple, but just as beautiful.

By now, America is much better with the portals and so are you - with her help actually, who is better practiced with this kind of thing than you are, and has helped you improve your teleportation magic - and it is she who takes you two to Nepal after almost two days of trying to figure out exactly where the Kamar Taj of that world was.

"You two aren't from around here." A woman answers the door wearing a robe characteristic of the masters. You clear your throat.

"Sorry for the intrusion, I am Y/N L/N and this is America Chavez, and we-"

"Master Takiyah, I was waiting for them, stop holding the door." A voice came from inside humorously, and the woman in front of you bowed slightly to the figure on the other side before making room for you and America to enter.

You walked into a wooded courtyard and there was an Asian man with his hands crossed on his back along with a few other masters in line behind him waiting for you.

"Your Holiness, the legendary Guardian of the Order, it is an honor to welcome you to the Kamar Taj." He greeted with a smile, and he and all the masters behind him began to bow. You widened your eyes and gestured quickly with your cheeks half warm.

"Dude, don't do that!" You asked with a nervous laugh. "Seriously, the whole bowing thing, it's not necessary."

The man smiled despite the slight confusion. "Are the old customs not to your liking, your Holiness?"

You cleared your throat with another nervous laugh, "Definitely not. No bowing, and no calling me holiness stuff either. I'm just Y/N, okay?"

"Whatever you say, your Holi-Y/N." He corrects himself with a chuckle. "I am Master Wong, the Supreme Sorcerer of this universe."

"Wow, man that's cool!" You congratulate him so informally that one of the older gentlemen in line widens his eyes as if you had just cussed him out. You clear your throat awkwardly, but Wong doesn't seem to mind. "This is America Chavez, my interdimensional travel partner."

America smiles shyly at the title you have started referring to her and extends her hand to greet Wong.

"Welcome to this universe." Says the master. "Please come, you must be tired from your trip."

"Not really, but I won't dismiss food." You murmur to America who laughs softly as you both follow Wong inside.

"You really are an important sorceress" Chavez whispers back and you give her a smug smile.

"I told you." You retort earning an elbow.

The masters of the Kamar Taj prepare rooms and a welcome meal. You and America busied yourself with putting on the clean clothes they offered you before gathering in the main hall.

"Now you really look like a sorceress." America commented as soon as she found you wearing the robe they gave you. You laugh, straightening the tight collar.

"Why do I feel like that's not a compliment?"

America laughed, saying nothing more, and you joined the other sorcerers.

It had to be the most awkward lunch of all. Chavez was starving and too busy with the delicious food to notice the other masters eyeing you - some even quite discourteously - as if you were a circus animal. You were pretty sure that some of them took pictures.

"Don't take this as an offense, but could you tell us the reason for your visit, Y/N?" Wong asked a moment after you sat down, and you drew your attention from one of the paintings on the wall to him.

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