The Witch World - Part I

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You were blacked out and Wanda was at a peak of irritation.

With America's help she dragged you by your jacket across the ground - whatever universe you all fell into now, the sunny green forest was infinitely better than the craters of before - and placed you against a tree, panting softly at the physical exertion as she waved her hands to clear the dust. America checked you, you didn't look like you were going to wake up now, but at least you were breathing, before looking at Wanda with a grimace.

"I thought she was your friend." Said the girl, and Wanda raised an eyebrow.

"Wife actually."

"Not Y/N." America clarified crossing her arms. "The huntress."

Wanda rolls her eyes, sighing impatiently. "I merely said I knew her and no, America, that Natasha was not my friend. My Nat is dead." Wanda retorted with a certain bitterness in her voice. "Don't blame me for what happened, it wasn't me who took us to a world in pieces. And if Y/N hadn't taken my magic, I would have been able to read her mind and know that we would be betrayed!"

America sighs in defeat and uncrosses her arms. "Okay, you have a point. Let's not fight, okay? First, because you're kind of scary, and second because Y/N needs help."

Wanda tried not to get so upset about the scary part, but she couldn't really blame America, figuring her appearance shouldn't be one of the better ones now after all the fighting, two interdimensional trips, and the marks of dark hold use. She cleared her throat and looked around, searching for any sign of civilization.

"You can't tell what kind of universe we are in, I imagine." Murmurs the witch as America sits down beside you, wiping some of the grass on your clothes.

"No, ma'am." America retorted. "Not until I arrive."

"An impressive use of your skills." She scoffed and America grimaced.

"Oh I'm sorry, were you born knowing all about your magic then?" She retorted naughtily and Wanda rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "For your information, I just need to train a little. Y/N has been helping me with that. I wonder why of all the Wandas we've met she picked the meanest..."

"Shut up." Wanda commands between teeth.

"And rude too."

"No, America, seriously, be quiet." Repeated the witch looking around, and the child blinked in confusion, and tried to do the same but noticed nothing strange.

Before she could ask, however, she heard in the distance a noise that sounded like trotting. Soon, a wagon appeared on the road a few yards from them and Wanda let out an exclamation before running to wave the driver to stop.

The man looked like a farmer, and was quite startled to say the least by a woman dressed in red jumping in front of the horses - who were also startled - but was kind enough to stop, especially since he saw you and America.

Wanda quickly made up a story about a robbery and without delay, you were put in the back of the wagon. Wanda sat in the front, and America stood beside you.

"We only have healers in town, it's almost an hour away." Commented the driver, casting glances back as he noticed you groaning in pain in your sleep. "Do you think she can wait?"

"Yeah, she's strong." America answered before Wanda, and shrugged at the witch's expression before adding "We've faced worse."

Wanda swallowed dryly, a wave of guilt filling her chest. She knew the "worse" was the creatures she sent, and imagining that she hurt you made her feel very awful.

The driver brought Wanda out of her thoughts when he started to pull up a subject.

"Pardon my asking madam, but you are not from around here are you?" He said looking between the road and her. Wanda cleared her throat.

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