The Library of Alexandria - Part Two

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The place only seemed to get bigger as you advanced inside. Aarif didn't seem too concerned about making sure that you didn't lose sight of him, walking - or rather hovering in the air - as he led the way through the innumerable stalls and corridors.

You went ahead, but just as you arrived in front of an entrance that read in Greek 'Dark Magic Session - Kingdom One to Earth-1999' on a gold plaque on the wall, Aarif stopped and raised a hand to you.

"Miss Maximoff, please, your copy of the Book of the Damned."

You raised a brow, and made mention of handing over the book, only for Aarif to let out an impatient sigh and correct:

"Miss Wanda Maximoff."

You chuckled, but Wanda gave you a gentle nudge in the ribs and took the book from your hand, raising her chin to Aarif.

"What if I refuse to give it back?"

Aarif let out another impatient sigh. "Your copy is already overdue, Miss Maximoff, let's not test the furies of the gods further."

"But what happens if I don't return it?"

"Aarif doesn't take care of repossession." He replies disinterestedly, and Wanda gives a little smile.

"Oh, so you don't know."

"Aarif doesn't like questions, because Oshtur made Aarif a librarian, not a tour guide."

"And who did Oshtur put as a collector of overdue books?" You ask curiously as well, and the birdman sighs, but answers.

"For books of darkness from realities Alpha 1 through Beta 22, the collectors are the Soul Eaters, for realities beyond Gaea's blessing, we send the Necromon for paperback editions, and for manuscripts, we send the Demons-"

"We get the message." You interrupt with a nervous chuckle. "Evil soul-eating guys. The book is here. Wanda, give it back, and let's get this over with."

The witch sighs lightly, holding the book against her chest.

"Just one more question Mr. Aarif." She says receiving a grunt from everyone. "You said my copy of dark hold as if there were more of them."

Aarif let out a mocking chuckle - the sound resembled a little bird singing - and nodded to Wanda.

"Of course, it's your copy, Miss Maximoff. What a silly question, humans are so odd." Aarif muttered to himself, and instead of continuing, turned his body to the side and gestured to the door. In a second, a shelf appeared from the wall like a train and high speed, and you and the girls took two steps backward in fright, but Aarif didn't seem the least bit shaken by the sudden appearance, the wind ruffling his feathers.

When the shelving stopped, Wanda let out a surprised exclamation at the amount of Darkhold's - of the most diverse sizes and shapes - properly stored on each shelf.

"Earth 616 edition of the Books of the Damned, the Darkhold." Announced Aarif and the shelves moved and arranged themselves until there was an empty space just within reach of where Wanda was standing. "Please, Miss Maximoff, return the Darkhold to our collection."

Although she reached out to fit the book into its separate spot, Wanda muttered impressed:

"There are so many of them."

"Yes, yes, one for each world where Chthon wrote it." Aarif commented uninterestedly. Wanda's copy snapped onto the shelf and a little gold plaque appeared at the bottom with the reality information Aarif had mentioned earlier, plus the addition of Copy of Scarlet Witch Wanda Maximoff to the title.

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