Inevitable - Part Two

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Wanda didn't move a muscle. She needed to think.

The tension in the air was palpable. She could hear her breathing and her heartbeat, along with the sound of the metal of the bracelet, and the slight electricity of the five stones with the tapping motion of the fingers on the edge of the throne that her variant was making.

You were unconscious - or in some hypnotic state - pinned to a stone table with runes torn into your skin.

Your variant had red eyes and a sword in hand.

"Let me see you up close." The Sorceress asked calmly, and although it was the same face, Wanda could barely recognize herself in that figure. "Let me see what Chthon saw that was special enough to lend you his magic."

Wanda locked her jaw. "There's nothing special. I was just forged before you could."

Her own laughter made her shudder. The witch shook her head as well. "Is that what you think? That I wasn't forged? Please." She sneers. "A witch who doesn't even know her own history. And is given such power..."

"A Scarlet Witch is not born, she is forged." Wanda interrupts by stepping forward. "Isn't that what the darkhold that controls you says?"

"Control me?" The witch repeats coolly. "Is that what the Resistance told you? Poor Little Wanda, controlled by a scary book. No, dear! I am the ruler of the darkhold castle."

"Chthon is using you, just like he tried to use me." Wanda earnestly insists, receiving a roll of eyes in return. "Listen to me. He makes you promises doesn't he? He whispers your fears, gives you nightmares-"

"Oh, so it's about that." The sorceress cuts off a chuckle. "You weren't upset, were you dear? I needed to draw you here. And well, here you are. My own shadow self."

Wanda sighs, hands glowing scarlet. " We don't need to fight. It won't end well for you."

The sorceress smiles, raising a finger in the air and bringing your variant into attack position. Wanda swallows dryly.

"We don't need to, but...I really want to see how you do against my knight."

Everything scales too fast. Wanda is holding back. A lot. She doesn't want to hurt you, any version of you. And besides, the version she wants to protect is well stuck in some kind of ritual she doesn't understand. And there's still that damn sword.

"Watch the blade, Wanda, blood is not all it draws." Comments the witch, and makes the younger girl finally understand why it was so hard to fight the item. The Sword drew magic.

But now, she knew the Knight's movements better. And her goal was not to injure.

Resist her.

Y/N, free yourself.

The orders were simple, yet strong and direct. And honestly, your variant was much more resistant and mentally prepared than expected. Wanda felt the other's control falter as the fight was going on.

And the hesitant movements were all she needed to gain some advantage.

"Disappointing." The sorceress commented as she interrupted the fight - the bracelet on her wrist vibrating as she made a crater open in the ground and Wanda had to jump away to avoid being swallowed. The Knight was on her knees, clearly fighting her own emotions. "Don't you ever get tired of betraying me, my love?" The sorceress teased aloud.

"Wanda, stop this." Begged your variant on her knees, panting from the struggle. When Wanda noticed the tears, she could only imagine that the sorceress was using magic on the other's head. "Don't let Chthon use your grief to poison you."

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