Oshtur's Blessing

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A/N-> The penultimate chapter is here!! I hope you're all looking forward to the finale, and enjoying the story so far.


You imagined that the afterlife would be peace and quiet, but as soon as you regained consciousness - and with it the intense feeling of tiredness in your body - you realized that this was not true.

When you opened your eyes, you were lying down. Your head was just a little above the water that covered all the ground around you, and you grunted softly as you sat up.

You weren't even wearing your old clothes, you were wearing broken armor covered with blood. And at your side was a sword that a few minutes ago you saw being thrust against your wife's evil variant.

Sighing, you forced yourself to your feet, and looked around, starting to walk as soon as you could see the temple in the distance, using the sword as support.

The Temple has Greek-Roman architecture, like the In-Between Realm and Alexandria Library, so even before you saw the female figure with her back to you, you knew you were in the presence of Oshtur.

She was not the only one there, however. While Oshtur seemed distracted - if that was even possible for a goddess - by the transparent flowers strung in vases around the temple, there were very watchful eyes waiting for you. It looked like a tiger, but it was much bigger and the rest of its body was not exactly physically but a stable mist. The legendary Hoggoth.

And meditating next to him with crossed legs was Agamotto.

You walked leisurely up the steps, throwing your sword to the ground as you entered the temple, and Oshtur jumped softly, seeming to snap out of her distracted state, as Agamatto opened his eyes.

"Oh, did I interrupt the vacation?" You ask in a sarcasm-laden voice, and Hoggoth roars softly, exposing one of his fangs to you. But Oshtur opens a little smile.

"My guardian! At last!" She says contentedly. She is almost a foot bigger than you, but still, her voice is really very warm and gentle. You frown.

"It's good to meet you again, Y/N." Agamatto comments in the same kind tone as his mother, and you roll your eyes at the scene.

"Of course, you were expecting me. This whole thing is a fucking sadistic game for you people." You accused angrily, receiving surprised looks for the hostility. You didn't care, starting to rip off the armor that had gotten warm since you got close to Oshtur. You ripped the item off with force, throwing it on the floor next to the sword. "I don't want your dirty gifts. If I am dead let me go to rest or doom for eternity at once."

"Insolent." Hoggoth roared but Oshtur shushed him gently, and the tiger returned to its relaxed position.

"You are not dead, Y/N." Agamatto informed with his hands on his knees, still very calm. "This is the Temple of the Guardian, the place where the Forge takes place."

"Fucking unbelievable." You mumble impatiently, pressing a sore spot in your belly. Your body was aching, and fever seemed to want to appear. "Look, I don't know why you guys finally decided to notice me, because the only thing I've done in the last few hours was get beaten by the evil version of my wife and bled to death. And then I had to watch Wanda die for the second time in my life, so if you can stop playing games I will be very grateful." You declare and to your surprise, Oshtur conjures an armchair next to you. You sigh impatiently but are so tired that you just accept the invitation and throw yourself on the cushions, grunting softly with the gratitude of your muscles. "That doesn't mean I trust you, guys. I'm just tired." You warn in a whisper, closing your eyes for a moment.

Oshtur and Agamatto share a soft chuckle at your stubbornness.

And you open your eyes when you feel a touch on your cheek.

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