The Socialists and the Jealous Witch

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As you looked out the small car window, it was easy to tell that this was one of the most beautiful worlds you had ever been in.

A few many minutes ago, on the side of the road where you, America, and Wanda appeared, you managed to get a ride.

Wanda had just put her arms around you and was trembling like the leaves on the many surrounding trees. You held her close, tightly and without hesitation. But you worriedly took your attention from her when you heard the sound of music approaching.

Without delay, rounding the corner of the road where you were standing, came a silver 1950s style Volkswagen van, but patched up in so many places that it was a surprise that it was working. It stopped right beside you, and America ran to get closer to you and Wanda let go in confusion, but you slid your hand to hers giving a gentle squeeze so she wouldn't use magic if she didn't have to.

A raccoon opened the door.

"Hey, outsiders, want a ride?" He asked casually. You hadn't seen Rocket in many years, and this version of him - wearing jeans and a floral shirt - sure was a funny thing, to say the least.

"Cool." America murmured impressed from your side with a chuckle. Wanda sniffled softly, still seeming to be unaware of what had just happened. You noticed that the Kombi wasn't empty - Lots of familiar faces inside, from Gamora and Baby Groot to Starlord, and one moody face you really didn't expect, the Winter Soldier - the last one, driving.

"James?" You let out without being able to control yourself, and he put his metal arm on the seat to turn to look at you, his long hair pinned back.

"Sorry, doll, have we met?"

You give a half-hearted laugh, ready to deny it when Wanda intervenes:

"No, you haven't." She replies coldly. "Where are we?"

Rocket whistles softly. "Jeepers Creepers, Barnes, I think they're tourists! We can take them to the Consulate if they need records."

"This car won't make it to the capital." Murmured Peter Quill from the front passenger seat, with a cigarette in his mouth.

You wanted to laugh at the scene. It looked like a 70s version of Guardians of the Galaxy. It was amusing, to say the least.

"We're fine!" You said quickly. "We have the records and all that sort of thing." You lied quickly, and everyone seemed too stoned or too cool to care. "We're just wanting food and somewhere to rest."

"Bomb!" Exclaimed Rocket opening the door wider. "Come on up, strangers. We'll take you to the Forge."

"Forge?" Wanda asked suspiciously, though she couldn't resist the gentle nudge you gave her back.

"Yeah, the commercial district. It's a few miles from here." Answered the raccoon, and just as the three of you were sitting on the soft puffs placed in the back of the kombi, with the guardians looking on curiously, he added, "You guys need to clean up all this blood. You're one of the space hunters, yes?"

"Sure, something like that." You mutter watching Wanda shift uncomfortably in her seat.

That's how you ended up in a kombi, with America playing some kind of weird deck with a Hippie version of Gamora, and Wanda with her arms crossed, pretending not to be asleep on your shoulder.

The landscape was really quite beautiful - miles and miles of a colorful plantation, with some cement craters as if the flora had taken over the cities many years ago, plus a big lake and some shiny creatures flying in the sky.

"Hey, since we've already made it clear that we're not from around here, do you mind telling us how this place got this way? It's just that the Earth we remember is a little different." You asked half-heartedly to Rocket, who had started making a joint a few minutes ago.

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