An Uninvited God of Chaos and a World In Pieces

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The first thing you see when you wake up is Wanda.

Not the Scarlet Witch you tried to contain before you woke up, but your Wanda. Adorable, annoyingly intelligent, and dead wife.

You blink to take in your surroundings, falling into a memory as you open your eyes. Memory isn't even what you would call it, because although everything seems lived, it never happened.

Wanda is a few meters away from you, sitting in an armchair with a book in her hand. Her curly hair is tied back in a loose bun, and you gasp softly at the sight of her so peaceful, so real.

She lifts her eyes to you and smiles, and you feel yours fill with tears. She frowns and closes the book.

"What's wrong baby?" She asks worriedly and you sigh deeply, shaking your head.

"N-nothing." You say affectedly looking around. "Where are we?"

Her worried expression seems to increase and she stands up to come to you.

"Honey, what do you mean where are we? At home, of course." She says with a smile, one of her hands touches your cheek and you shudder.

It's freezing.

You sniffle softly, lifting your hand to her forearm.

"We don't have a home, Wanda." You say with a broken voice but Wanda doesn't even seem to hear what you've said, she sighs softly.

"The girls are taking their time." She comments walking away to the stairs and you frown in confusion, but when you hear footsteps hurrying in the wood, you look back and sob.

Your daughters come down the stairs at high speed, racing for who gets to the end first. Wanda reprimands them for this, but you are more busy welcoming the little girls who run to you with open arms, hugging them tightly.

Your chest tightens when you realize you can't feel them. It's neither cold like Wanda, nor hot. Holding them is only visual because you can't feel anything since they never existed.

Swallowing another sob forming in your throat, you let go of them to place a hand on each one's shoulder, looking at their childish faces with a squeezed heart.

"Mommy, why are you crying?"

You force a smile, moving your hand to the youngest one's cheek. "It's nothing sweetheart, mommy is just happy to see you again."

"But mommy, Hallie, and I just went to put on our shoes as you asked." Retorts the little girl making you chuckle softly.

"And Annie stepped on my foot to win the race, Mommy! Tell her it's not fair to cheat!" Commented the older girl pouting. You pressed your lips together to control your crying, looking at the interaction with your chest tightened.

"Girls go get your backpacks and wait for us in the living room. Go go go." Wanda says and you take a second to let go, watching them run into the living room as soon as you did. Wanda puts her hand on your shoulder and you sob without getting up, putting one of your hands to your face. Wanda stoops down beside you.

"Honey, the girls are going to be startled. Tell me what's wrong." She asks, trying to put her hands on your face but you pull away and stand, feeling the air getting shorter. "Y/N?"

You put your hands on your head, closing your eyes tightly, your breathing out of rhythm. "Get out of my head."

"Y/N, it's just me..." Wanda tries in a whiny voice as well, trying to calm you down. "Please, baby."

"No, No, no!" you cry again in desperation. "You're dead! I'm not going through this again! Get out of my head!" You scream, and everything goes silent.

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