The Guardian and The Scarlet Witch

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You decided to stay a few more days in this world. Besides the help that the Mutants and the Resistance needed, you still had to read a few dozen pages in the Book of the Vishanti regarding the oath - and when you did, you ended up discovering tens of new things that Oshtur had made information about - and besides that, the rest with no travel was well appreciated.

America was happy with this world since it had hundreds of people with the most diverse abilities, all with experience in not knowing how to control powers, who had various advice and tips for her.

You fixed up the van and left it parked at the Resistance Base - which had basically turned the Scarlet Witch Temple into a war museum mixed with a base of operations - and tried to help in any way you could for the next few days.

You and Wanda were dancing around each other. There was a delightful tension between the two of you, as well as intense confidentiality, but there were no confessions or labels. You just fell into a daily routine with work and honestly, you think you deserve congratulations for having a gorgeous woman like Wanda around you and being able to formulate decent sentences at all.

Wanda followed you in your study sessions. You eventually discovered that everything worked better when you both worked together - the magics talked to each other - and you were trying to find that point of balance that Oshtur wrote about for your oath.

The first weekend in that world, Erik invited you all to his farm for lunch, and well, Wanda was tense as the date arrived.

"Everything will be fine, Wands." You told her, hands around her waist and chin on her shoulder, staring at her through the reflection from the mirror in front of you both.

You were not in the Van but in one of the rooms that the Resistance people got for you. The castle was all restored now: The mutants would have used the stones, but you and Wanda found some transcripts on the wall that only needed to be read by the two of you together for the whole temple to restore itself - Wreckage turning to shiny marble - and in a few minutes, the entire place looked magically out of a fairy tale. Wanda still blushed every time she got a mutant leaving a flower or gift at the foot of the Scarlet Witch's statue or approaching her in the corridors to thank her for everything. You and America thought it was adorable.

"I know, I just..." She starts but gives a frustrated sigh. "It's weird, isn't it?"

"Having lunch with your family variants on another world? Absolutely." You retort with a smile making her laugh as well. She spins her body to place her hands on your shoulder.

"I guess I'm afraid of getting attached." She confesses small, and you swallow dryly, bringing your hands to her face.

"Wanda, it's your family." You tell her gently, your fingers caressing her cheeks. "You can love them in all universes, even if you're not going to stay." You let her know, while she slides her hands to your waist. You kiss her mouth for a full moment until the tension leaves her shoulders, and she sighs. "Relax, my love. If it's too much, we'll leave any time you need us to."

Wanda smiles, squeezing tighter as you kiss her forehead. You look at her next, ready to make a joke to ease her mood when she speaks.

"I love you." She confesses, eyes studying your reaction, but you only manage to kiss her afterward, earning a surprised sigh in return. Wanda is beginning to reciprocate - assuming you're not ready to say it back yet and deciding to ignore the bitter feeling in her stomach - when you break the kiss with a relieved laugh.

"You love me?" You repeat happily, making Wanda blush heavily, but smile as well. She nods and you kiss her again, and again. "I love you too, Wanda." You say and are laughing with relief and joy. And you repeat it again, again, and again, kissing her between the confessions and Wanda thinks her chest is going to explode with happiness, being able to guess that you feel the same way.

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