The Library of Alexandria - Part One

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America raised her eyes to the strangest scene of the last few days - and this coming from someone who had been in a universe where animals behaved like people was quite something.

You and Wanda were rolling on the ground, one trying to hold the other by the wrists but seeming to possess exactly the same physical strength, because you couldn't keep the other pinned down. The weirdest part, you were both all covered in paint.

She blinked in confusion, looking around and realizing that you were all in some kind of empty art studio, and from the position in which the portal closed, you and Wanda had hit and knocked the pots of paint off each other before you started rolling.

"Stop resisting, I swear to god I'll turn you into a frog!" She heard Wanda grunt angrily, but you rolled over her again.

"A frog? What are you now, the evil witch from Snow White?" You scoffed back, but your chuckle turned to a grunt of pain when Wanda hit you in the stomach, and America almost laughed at her expression of pure guilt and hesitation when you fell on your stomach.

"Oh, baby, did I hurt you?" Wanda asked worriedly putting her hand on your cheek, and you quickly denied it, even grunting a little. "Good, good. Stay."

But as Wanda stood up, eyes red toward America who flinched in confusion and fear, you grabbed her ankle, causing her to stumble and fall to her knees.

She screamed your name in rage, but you just kept fighting to keep her away from the child, and America began to jump from side to side, dodging the energy balls that Wanda was trying to hit at her in desperation.

"What's going on? I don't know what I'm supposed to do!" America exclaims. "You two lost your minds? Was it the free food and shelter?"

"Hide America, I'll take care of this!" You yell trying to immobilize Wanda again, who hit you on the chin with her elbow as you let go, and as you grunt in pain, she screamed between her teeth:

"Don't you dare run!"

America thought it best to hide, ironically or not, inside a closet.

Suddenly a bell rang, and she heard noises of children, wide-eyed, America jumped out of the closet just as the door to what she once thought was an art studio, and now understood to be a classroom, opened.

At least a dozen children hesitated in their excited rush inside to find two paint-smeared witches wrestling on the floor.

But America was more impressed by the teacher who was exactly like the angriest witch she had ever met.

"Everybody out, everybody out." Ordered the woman in desperation - America was not sure she should call her Wanda as well, since this one had brunette perfect brushed hair pinned by a bee clip, and it looked sweet, very different from the witch covered in colored paint rolling around on the floor with her wife - while pushing the children away, even though the fighting had already stopped. "Go stay with Uncle Steve, go, go."

But two little boys held the teacher's legs tightly. "Mommy, I'm scared!"

"Me too, mom!" Cried the smaller one.

"It's okay, honey, it's almost time to go home, follow the others." Insisted the variant, trying to push the boys outside.

But scarlet magic shut the door hard, and the teacher held the boys tighter, hiding them with her body while shrinking into the corner of the room.

"Please, we won't-" She started only to be cut by the Wanda America actually knew.

"Give them to me." Wanda ordered between her teeth, stepping forward with her hand raised as you failed to follow her with a painful gasp leaving your lips. "They are mine!"

Rulers of The Multiverse - Wanda Maximoff x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now