The Star of David

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Wanda was scared that if she admitted that she was happy, everything would be taken from her again. But as days go by, from waking up in your bed, sharing kisses in the morning, and having silly yet meaningful conversations in the afternoons to warm intimate touches at the night, she often comes to the conclusion that happiness didn't even get close to define how truly delight she was feeling. And that was pretty much terrifying.

The first day, there had been a little anxiety between the two of you as you woke up so wrapped together - and after so many kisses and touches exchanged before bedtime - but you smiled at her with lazy eyes, hiding your face in her neck and murmuring 'good morning, witchy' against her skin and Wanda could only think how much she wanted that every day.

The three of you were trying to fall into a normal routine, as far as the word could go for two sorceresses, a child who could open portals in a magic van around the multiverse, and despite everything, you were doing a very good job.

America had been crestfallen the first few days with the news about her world, so in addition to Wanda discovering and preparing her favorite foods, she suggested that you try to teach her about her powers again.

The van moved according to the road, but it was obvious that you were going somewhere by the discrepant change of scenery and weather. Every three or four hours, you would make the vehicle stop so that everyone could stretch their legs, and even spend some time trying to train a little with America with her portals.

At night, you slept in the same bed with Wanda, and that was probably the only reason the nightmares stopped. She let herself believe, even for a small moment, that it was because you kissed her so well that she forgot about any other problems.

Wanda grew more afraid to admit how happy she was every second, so she wasn't taken by surprise when things started to go wrong again.

It was clear that you had left the In-Between Realm when the van broke down for the first time.

You climbed off with a grimace - it was dark and fucking cold - but at least you still had a tool kit and a flashlight.

America was asleep, and Wanda looked around for a jacket before coming after you, finding you in the back of the vehicle, the panel open and a confused expression on your face.

"What happened, dorogaya?" She asked approaching you and leaning against the vehicle.

"I have no idea." You muttered half annoyed. "I didn't even know magical cars could break."

Wanda chuckled softly at your comment, moving closer to rest her face against your shoulder, and look at the smoky engine. "It's freezing. Let me fix it, and get back inside."

"Hey, who says I can't fix it?" You retort with a false offense, making her smile at your stubbornness as you clear your throat and raise your hand to the engine. "Let's see..."

You try a few times, small sparks but nothing more. Your sigh of frustration makes Wanda kiss your cheek.

"Come on, baby, it's no big deal. Let me fix it."

But you tense up, upset. You turn your face to Wanda, and though you squeeze her waist gently, you only murmur an 'I'm sorry' and walk away inside.

Wanda swallows dryly and tries not to let it grow on her. You both know that if your magic is getting weak again, soon you will too. And the time is running short, and neither of you has any idea how to attract the gods yet.

With a simple flick of her fingers, the engine starts up again with a scarlet thread. The van makes a different sound, but Wanda smiles small when she sees that it had worked, and doesn't waste any more time outside.

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