Old Friends, a Cube and a Tattoo

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Wanda was in a very bad mood.

You knew it was Chthon's influence that made her easily irritable, impatient, and explosive, and it must have had something to do with Oshtur's blessing that you wanted to torment her so much in this state.

America was having a difficult day with both of you.

As Wanda was exploring your memories - and growing impatient by the minute, even though you were doing it the fast and safe way - you decided to stay in this universe for a while.

Carol assured you that the room was yours for as long as you wanted it, but made the mistake of completing it with a smile full of second thoughts to you, and America almost had to open a new portal when Wanda started a fight with a woman who was practically a star.

Fortunately, you were able to calm the tempers, even though you were now around town chasing a new shelter.

"I still vote we try a new world." Chavez suggested beside you, peeling the yellow fruit she got before you all left the inn.

"This universe is perfectly habitable, America." You retort looking around the tents. "You know the rules."

Wanda, who had her hands in her pockets a little forward, looked at you over her shoulder.

"What rules?" She asked, her accent half thick, and you figured it was because she was still irritated by the scene with Carol. Still, you were glad she was talking altogether, so you cleared your throat and America spoke before you:

"The rules of Multiverse Partners." She said taking a big bite of the fruit next. "No traveling without necessity-"

"Don't talk with your mouth full." You and Wanda warn together and America grimaces but doesn't insist. You smile at the redhead, and she gives you a strange look before refocusing on the road. You swallow dryly before continuing.

"Anyway, those were some rules I made up for her safety." You explain. "Since I don't know the extent of her abilities, I didn't want her to abuse the power. So, we only travel if necessary within a time frame. And we were on a mission to, well, find you, and America's mothers too, so we went from universe to universe, rested and ate something, and continued the journey."

"Didn't your rules include no stealing?" Wanda asks with a short smile, and you chuckle awkwardly.

"Well, sometimes I didn't have the currency of that world." You mutter. "And sometimes they didn't even pay with money, but with some kind of work. And I wasn't going to leave the child hungry."

"Lovely." Wanda muttered half uninterested, and you sighed in defeat, knowing she had gone back into her own head again.

Slipping an arm past America, you whispered to her:

"Do you have any idea how to get a girl's attention?"

Chavez laughed low, finishing chewing. "On my planet, you could buy a big, live plant."

"Alive?" You ask in shock, and America murmurs in agreement. "God, what a horror show."

"Hey, don't talk bad about my planet or the flirtatious customs there!" Says the girl in a fake serious tone, and you laugh lightly.

A few stalls further downtown, however, you take the advice, and mutter a "wish me luck" to Chavez before letting go of her and hurrying to pick one of the strange red flowers in front of you. They resemble roses enough, so you hide them behind your back and poke Wanda's shoulder.

"What, Y/N?" She asks half wearily, and you shift the weight of your feet before extending the flowers to her, who widens her eyes slightly in surprise.

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