Inevitable - Part One

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A/N-> I can't believe we are reaching the ending already, so glad for all the reviews so far. A lot of you were worried I would kill Wanda, i almost feel offended haha I hope it's not so confusing to read about Wanda and her variant, just remember that one it's a redhead. Also, I read all the replies but I have no idea how to use this app, so just know that I see you guys haha. 

Good reading everyone!!


Earth-012S - Before

Wanda stared into the mirror with boredom in her expression. It was not her own reflection she stared back at, but a distorted image of a demon - who had been whining for almost forty minutes.

"[...] Your incompetence continues to impress me, Miss Maximoff." Chthon teased as a last resort, seeing the way the witch wasn't even paying attention. The attempted offense caused a small smile to appear in the corner of the other, who crossed her legs in her chair.

"My incompetence?" She repeated with mock debauchery in her voice, defiance shining in her gaze. "And what are your complaints, my lord?"

The title came loaded with sarcasm, but neither she nor Chthon wavered in their postures. The image of him became sharper in his demon form.

"I keep giving you all the answers you need, and yet, you keep failing." Reminded the demon, his figure circling in the room's reflection, "I wonder if it's not time to choose another variant, one that spends less time on jewelry and more time doing their job!" He charges between teeth, and Wanda gives a hoarse little laugh, raising one of her hands to her chin.

The golden bracelet with the five infinity stones glows in the low light of the room.

"Tell me, oh all-powerful Lord of Chaos, how infuriating is it to be limited to a phantom dimension?" Wanda teases as she stands up. "You must be so frustrated without new toys."

"Do not test my patience, witch." Retorts the god angrily. "Don't forget who you're talking to."

But Wanda only gives another hoarse giggle, moving to reach for the wine jug beside the mirror.

"The mighty god of chaos, banished by his own siblings to a dimension that bores him. I have goosebumps." She mocks and bites back a smile as the god squirms - the whole room shaking and a crack appearing in the glass - through the witch, doesn't flinch an inch.

"When I am free, I will rip your head off and display it as a trophy, you dirty witch-"

"That's why we have issues, my lord." Wanda cuts in, raising one of her hands and taking a long sip of wine afterwards. "It's always the same of the same thing. You cuss, and I cuss, and then you give me some bad clue and try to guilt-trip me into doing your dirty work, and the cycle repeats. It's getting boring, don't you think? Why don't you just tell me where she is."

"Because I don't know!" Chthon shouts impatiently. Taking a deep breath, he tries to calm himself down. "She got out of my influence, it was the guardian I'm sure. I don't know where they are, and you're too stupid to find them!"

"Your lies get in my way, Chthon." Wanda cuts in with coolness, one hand studying the gleaming stones. "I've been turning worlds over after what you asked me for, and all your clues have led me to dead ends. I proved myself worthy of all that power long ago."

Chthon gives a wry laugh. "Worthy? All humans are unworthy of ancient magic, Wanda Maximoff. Our agreement is a mere testament to my benevolence, and you are wearing out my patience. I suggest you find the Guardian before I find another witch." Declares the god seriously, and Wanda clenches her jaw, staring back at him until the image falters, and her red eyes are the only reflection.

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