The Witch World - Part II

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Wanda has never seen you like this.

As she advanced into the room taking the cue from the guards before her, she reached for a chaotic scene.

It was some kind of operating room - with a stretcher in the center and work counters - and it was full of people. America was standing next to three other frightened healers, and there were at least two different sets of guards.

You were standing with what appeared to be a short dagger, and Wanda recognized it as the one belonging to America, figuring you must have gotten it by standing up.

The item was pressed against the throat of the healer you were holding.

What surprised her most was the utter panic she found in your eyes, filled with tears like the one in the reflection.

"We won't say it again, traveler! Release Healer Grey immediately!" Yelled one of the guards at the front, all armed but with items stowed in their holsters.

You only grunted in irritation, tears streaming down as you pressed the trembling blade against the girl's throat.

"I'm the one who won't say it again! Where am I? Where is my wife?" You shouted back getting more nervous by the moment.

America spotted Wanda entering, and shouted. "There she is, Y/N! Can you calm down now and let our friend go?"

Your attention fell on Wanda and you frowned. "That's not my wife. I-I don't know you! None of you!"

You pressed harder, and the healer choked, which caused the guards to conjure magic in the air, making you take frightened steps backward, dropping the healer and stumbling to the back of the room, your dagger raised in the air and your hands shaking.

"Stay away from me!" You shouted, and Jean now free, raised her hands in the air for the guards to wait.

"No! Don't charm her!" She ordered seriously. "She's just confused."

The guard made an incredulous expression, but the next moment you began to cry very hard, and put your hands to your ears, falling to your knees.

"Please make it stop!" You begged, the dagger falling at your feet. "Take it away!"

The room went into complete shock, and Wanda clasped a hand around her chest at seeing you in that state. America was startled as well, and began to cry softly, looking away.

Jean approached cautiously.

"Miss Maximoff..." She began, and Wanda blushed softly as she realized it was you she was talking to. "I need you to focus on my voice, do you think you can do that?"

You continued crying, your hands firm around your head which you shook. "No, please, it's too loud."

"I know, miss, but you need to concentrate." Jean insisted and her hands began to glow orange. She held one of them up to you, and you were crying too hard to notice. "I'll help you, okay, try to think of something happy."

You sobbed, but from the way you softened the grip of your hands, you seemed to be obeying. Jean sighed deeply the next moment, her eyes turning the same color as her hands, and when your sobbing quieted down, Wanda knew she was using telepathy.

As soon as Jean finished, you grunted and got up in a huff, running to the first sink you could find and start to vomit. The sound made half the room let out exclamations of disgust, but Jean let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Mr.Skurge, but the situation is under control." Jean informed as she turned to the guard in the center. The man raised an eyebrow at her, briefly looking at you throwing up.

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