A Bunch of Books and Dreams

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"The Scarlet Witch is a legendary being of great power, who at her peak, will be able to transit through the multiverse and is therefore destined to reign over all Worlds."

Wanda lets out a loud sigh with your reading. The three of you are sitting on the floor of the Library of Alexandria with dozens of open books around you. And since you lost patience with the Book of Vishanti citing the Gods as the most benevolent creatures on earth, and decided to join Wanda in her research - along with little America, who had already reread your little guide a couple of times and offered to make notes that Wanda needed - you had already found over a dozen different descriptions for what a Scarlet Witch was and her fate.

"That's another point for a ruling entity." America commented writing in a notepad on her own lap, and you - who was holding one of the Books of the Wise and Great Masters, Entities of Power from Earth-721 - closed it and tossed the item on the pile of readings before moving to grab the next one: The Book of the Damned, Earth-28.

"Just to make sure, you're certain that Chthon won't start whispering my worst fears if I try to read this, right?" you ask Wanda in a light tone, darkhold in hand, and she rolls her eyes, hiding a small smile as she straightens the Book of the Vishanti she picked up from you in front of her face.

A few more minutes pass before Wanda finds what she was looking for.

"Hey, Y/N, listen to this." She catches your eye, tracing her finger across the page containing the drawing of the Scarlet Witch and the Guardian of the Order with their backs to each other, familiar to her from one of your memories. "A Guardian's oath is taken on the first Full Moon of their Forge, with their Master Teacher and their knights present."

You frown softly, taking your attention away from the book to look at Wanda, who continues to read, "If the presence of the living Knights is not possible, the ritual must be done in close proximity to their bodies."

"That's so creepy." You grumble with a grimace, to which Wanda agrees with a nod. She mumbles a bit, skipping a few not-so-relevant sentences, before speaking again.

"If the forging is not complete, the Guardian must find a way to earn the attention of the Elder Goddess of the Eastern Star, Oshtur. The only known case of a sworn Guardian in arrears was of the Insane Aeneas, who offended Oshtur's justice by fraternizing with demons and dark magic in pursuit of greater power, falling into delirium for a millennium by performing a Malignant Forge. Aeneas paid his punishment after a thousand years, by freeing the In-Between Realm from the dominion of the Devourer of Worlds, Dormammu. Aeneas sacrificed himself and all his magic, and the benevolent Oshtur allowed him to rest beside the fallen order."

"I swear, how many times are these guys going to write Belovelent..." You mutter, managing a small laugh before Wanda snaps her fingers for you to focus.

"It doesn't say anything in here about getting sick for not carrying out an oath." She comments and you sigh thoughtfully.

"Yeah, I noticed it too." You say. "But that's the interpretation of all the masters, isn't it? And it would come as no surprise if Oshtur is a Narcissistic-"

The room shudders as if the thunder outside is on the wall, and Wanda and America give you a warning look about offending Oshtur in that place. You sigh, raising your hands in surrender before flipping through the Darkhold again.

"Write that down then, America, great heroic act for the gods to notice me." You mutter half-ironically. "And I thought killing the mad titan was going to be enough."

America giggles but scribbles down what you asked. Wanda goes back to her reading, and you find the description of darkhold in the next fifteen minutes.

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