Chapter 1

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Here I was. Sitting at my desk and staring at my empty notebook. I was supposed to write an essay on "As you like it", but I just can't seem to concentrate after what happened yesterday. Because that's the day everything fell apart for me. Worst day of my life basically. But because I'm me, i won't give you the short version. So, let's head back to the start of senior year.

It was the end of summer 2021 which meant a new town and a new school for me. Ugh, how I hated being the new girl. But this time is going to be a little harder for me. I ran away from home. I used to live in California but now I am in Pennsylvania. Throughout the summer I've worked two different jobs to save some money and get myself my own place. I now live in a trailer park and have my own trailer. It's affordable and comfy. I also saved some money because I won't be able to work full-time now that the school year's going to start, and it will be a little more difficult to pay my rent.

Anyways, today's the start of the new school year and I am so not ready for it. I am so nervous I could throw up. Literally. I got my bag and headed to school but before I left the trailer park, I had to buy myself a map. Old-school, I know but I can't afford a smartphone. I just have one of the old flip phones. I looked at the map and quickly memorized my way to school and started to head in the direction.

Arriving at school, I found a lot of students heading inside. I was 20 minutes early which I had to be to get my schedule and to find my locker. So, that's what I did. I knocked on the secretary's door, went inside and got all the things I needed. Schedule. Locker number and code. Map. Perfect. As I was trying to find my locker, I found some people staring at me while whispering. Probably talking about "the new girl". We're up to a great start, right?

Once I found my locker, I put everything I didn't need right now in it. As I was doing that, a very stressed girl opened the locker next to mine forcefully. She hit me so hard in the process that it made my books fall out of my hand. "Oh my God, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to do that", a kind of raspy but still clear voice said right beside me. "It's alright", I answered without looking up. We both ... down to pick up my belongings. She stretched out her hand with my things in it while saying, "No, I'm really sorry for initiating this." This time I looked up and met with brown eyes. Her eyes held worry and stress in them. Nonetheless, she was utterly beautiful. I smiled awkwardly at her and told her that it was okay. As she handed me my things and smiled at me. "It won't happen again, I promise".

"Don't promise anything you can't keep", I said while taking my books form her hand, "Thank you by the way." "No problem", she answered. She looked kinda lost, like she has been stressing out for days over something really important.

I turned back to my locker, this time laying my books inside. Right as I wanted to ask her if she knew where the biology lab was, she sprinted away. What the hell was that? I shrugged this awkward conversation of and tried to find the lab.

As I found it, I quickly found myself a seat in the very back of the room. Some people were already here and stared at me like I was an alien or something. It didn't really bother me but it also kind of did. Will I ever find a friend here? The bell interrupted my thoughts, and all of the missing students came rushing in. I also noticed the beautiful girl from earlier walking inside the classroom. She took a seat in the second row and from where I was sitting, I had a perfect view of her. She really is gorgeous.

Soon enough the teacher came in, wrote his name on the board and then he did something I hated. Because he was new, he wanted us to introduce ourselves. I could rip his head of right now. There's nothing worse than being the new girl and you have to introduce yourself in front of the class. I mean, yes, the others have to say something about themselves as well, but everyone will know that I am the new one.

The teacher went through the rows, and I learned that the beautiful girl's name was Spencer Hastings. A unique name for a unique woman. A few minutes later and it was my turn. All eyes were on me, and I was so fucking nervous. My hands were literally shaking. "My names Angelina Roberts, I am 17 years old and in my free time I like to read and to write", I said with a shaky voice. The class began to break out in whispers. I bowed my head down in embarrassment. I decided to take a look up and saw that the girl, who I now know as Spencer, was staring at me. I couldn't make out what she was thinking, she had no emotion on her face.

As soon as the bell rang, I basically run out of the classroom. I was still ashamed of earlier, and it was killing me. I headed to my next class which was Spanish and the next one was History. Nothing major embarrassing happened in those two classes, thank God.

After History it was lunch time. I headed to my locker before I did anything else, and I ran into Spencer again. We smiled at each other as she arrived at her locker. "Hey, I'm so sorry about earlier, I really didn't mean to make your books fall", she apologized while also having an apologetic look on her face. "Thank you but it's really not that big of a deal."

She smiled a gorgeous smile while putting her hand out for me to shake it. "I'm Spencer", she introduced herself. I know. "Nice to meet you, I'm Angelina", I answered and shook her hand. "What do you have after lunch break?", she asked me, and I told her I had English. "Oh cool, do you have it with that new teacher, Mr. Fitz?" "Wait, let me check", I said and looked at my schedule, "Yeah, I do have it with him." "Okay, I have English with him too. I can show you the English classroom later if you'd like."

"Um, sure, if you don't mind", I answered shyly. "Yes, of course I don't mind. So, let's just meet here after lunch?" "Sure", I said and smile at her. She gave me one back before turning on her heel and heading into the lunch hall.

I didn't have any money to buy myself some lunch, so I just decided to head outside and continue to read my book. Which I did. I headed into the patio the school had and sat under a tree, took out my book and began reading. After I read a few pages, I couldn't help but let my mind wander to Spencer. It was really nice of her to offer to show me to the English room. But I guess that's all that's behind it. She's just being nice to me because I'm the new girl and everything.

A/N: Sorry if there are any mistakes, English is not my first language. Have fun reading and leave some votes so I know if you want me to keep going. :)

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