Chapter 14

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Well, turns out, we really didn't sleep. And we were really feeling the lack of sleep at around 8 in the morning. We even agreed to go to Spencer's and have one of her coffee's. And let me tell you that never happened before. Spencer's coffee's are really strong and normally we all make the coffee ourselves because we'd all get really jiggery after drinking only one cup of a coffee that Spencer made.

While having breakfast at Spencer's house together, we talked about what we would do about Alison now. I mean, there wasn't much that we could do but we sure hoped that she'd come forward soon. I had no idea what to think of her. They told me that she wasn't the best friend one could have but on the other hand, everyone deserves a second chance. The girls were also talking about how they wanted to mentally prepare them for the day that Alison finally felt ready to show herself. I liked their determination to that, but I didn't think that you could ever be prepared for such a situation.

Soon, I went home because I had some chores to do, you know, like doing laundry, tidying up my trailer and everything. I hated those chores, but I knew I had to do it as there was no one who would do them for me. Even though I was not motivated, I always listened to my Ezra Furman and Lana Del Rey playlist. That always gave me motivation for everything. Even homework, which I also had to do today if I didn't want to spend my Sunday doing it.

One week later, it was a normal day at school. Boring as usual. Except that I was really excited about English class ever since the day Mr. Fitz complimented me on my writing. It was like a boost of confidence, and I was ready to make the best out of it. Apparently, I am good at writing, so I really wanted to embrace my newly revealed 'talent'. I had no idea if it really was a talent, but I'd just call it that. After Fitz's class we had P.E. I still hated that subject because I needed to change in the bathroom. That's one thing that hasn't changed in these last few weeks. The thought of anyone knowing about my secret still gives me chills which is why I proceeded to change where no one saw me.

All of us were together in P.E. which was a good thing for they always made things funnier. We had to play basketball. I hated basketball. I was so bad at it and every time I did try to play, it always ended up with me getting hit in the face by the ball. I always tried to keep myself out of the firing line of the others so I could avoid getting hit... again. Soon enough, the period was over, and we changed our clothes in the locker room. Well, the others did, I changed in the bathroom again. The others knew why I did that, so they waited for me and then we all headed to lunch. I read my book while the other chatted amongst themselves. They were used to me just sitting next to them, reading a book, and just answering they questions here and there. Although this time was different because Emily had something to announce, and she needed our full attention for it.

"So, guys. When I told you about Alison about a week ago, I also explained that Alison was not ready to show herself yet. Well, turns out that she would be ready to meet all of you now. She just told me yesterday when we met up. That is, if you guys are ready as well", she explained. For the first few moments, no one said anything. But after a while, Hanna was the first one to speak up, "What if I'm not ready to see her yet?" Emily looked at her with a shocked expression, "Why would you not be ready?" Hanna scoffed at her question, "Well, look. It's not that I don't miss her because I really do. It's just... she hurt us more times than we can count, so I don't think I'm ready to meet her yet. I need to mentally prepare myself for that moment, you know?"

Everyone was quiet after Hanna's statement, taking everything in she just said. Emily seemed kind of dumbfounded by her words. She looked around the group, "What do you guys think?" The others looked anywhere but her. I didn't think that she meant me because I had no history with Alison. "Spencer?", Emily asked. Said girl took a deep breath in and said, "Well, to be honest, I'm not really ready to meet her as well." Emily scoffed yet again, "Aria?", she asked and looked in her direction. Aria looked at her and answered, "Sorry, Em. But we just need a little time to get used to the thought that Alison's back." She looked around the group yet again and exclaimed, "I can't believe you guys." After saying that, she stood up and went her way.

The rest of lunch was spent with an awkward tension between all of us. I decided not to say anything because I didn't want to make the situation worse than it already was. After school ended, I got home and changed into my clothes for work. I didn't want to go to work but the money has to come in somehow. Anyway, I didn't tell anyone about my job yet and I didn't see anyone I know come here since I started. Until now. Well, I didn't really know her, I just saw pictures of her. Nonetheless, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw her. When she looked in my eyes, I could see that her breath hitched. This time I didn't bump into her... but it was this time that I knew who was standing right in front of me. It was her and I was struck. I couldn't speak or do anything for a second because out of everyone who could come here, it was Alison. Why is she going out in public if she wants her existence to be a secret?

I shook my head slightly to gather my thoughts before I made an instinctive decision. "Mark, I'm going on my break", I told my boss, before I made a quick gesture with my head in Alison's direction, signaling her to meet me outside and hoping she'll wait there. I quickly went into the locker room to get my jacket and then I went outside. When I reached the outside of the coffee shop, I looked around and was surprised to see her on the other side of the street behind a bush. I went to her and after a few steps I was standing in front of the girl I only heard stories about.

We both looked at each other for a moment, not knowing what to say. "So...", I started although I still had no idea what to say, "you're the famous Alison's everyone's been talking about." I know, it's a cliché to start a conversation that way but I really didn't know what other way to start it. She smirked a little and answered, "I guess I am. And I guess you're the one who stole my place as the girls' best friend." Now it was my turn to chuckle, "I wouldn't say I stole your place. I just made a new one next to yours. Your place will always be empty until you take it again." She looked down, probably in shame, "Well, I tried to take it back, but I don't think they want me to. I told Emily that I was ready to meet them. She just said that they told her that they are not ready to meet me." I mustered her for a moment before answering, "Well, you know, they just need a little time. The fact that you're alive is still pretty fresh and I think they just need to get used to that information."

When she looked at me, I immediately knew that she didn't believe me, "Maybe you're right." Now I knew I needed to explain, "Look, Alison. They miss you dearly but they just found a way to get over the hurt they felt when you 'died'. Now, that they've finally come to terms with your death, they get told that you're alive. I mean, I wouldn't react any different if I were in their situation. Just give them a little time and when they're ready, they'll let Emily know that they are."

She looked at me and smiled slightly. "What are they like? I mean, Em showed me pictures of them, but I have no idea if they changed as a person." I gave her a smile back and started to elaborate, "Well, you know Emily, of course. Hanna's really clumsy but she's being elegant in it if you know what I mean. Aria is... I guess she didn't change much from what the girls told me. She had a great sense of style. I sometimes wish I could afford to dress like her. And Spencer... well, she's Spencer. She's still impressively intelligent. All in all, they're the funniest people I know. I don't think I've ever laughed as much as I did with them", I ended my monologue with a smile thinking of the best friends I've ever had.

All of a sudden, she looked sad, "What's wrong, Alison?" She looked at me and said, "It's just, I wish I could have what you have." This made a frown appear on my forehead, "Are you jealous of me?"

"Not exactly, I just wish I treated them differently when I still had the chance to." I gave her a sympathetic smile, "But you still have a chance. From what I've seen, the girls are really forgiving. I mean, yes, you really hurt them back in the past but I'm pretty sure they're ready to start from the beginning. So, there is a good chance for you to have just what I have right now." "You think so?", she asked me. "Of course, I do. Like I said, you just need to give them a little more time." She gave me a small smile thanked me for my encouraging words, turned on her heel and went away before I had the chance to say anything else.

It took me a few moments to gather myself again because I still couldn't believe that she told me, of all people, her concerns about the girls not letting her back in their lives. I looked at the clock and saw that it was time for me to head back to work and it was the first time in a long time that I entered the shop with a smile on my face.

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