Chapter 7

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"Hey guys, we we're looking for you. What the hell are you guys doing up here?", I spun around at the voice behind me and in front of me we're the girls. Of course, they had to interrupt us just when Spencer was about to tell me something she clearly hasn't told anyone else. I could rip their heads off right now. I mentally face-palmed myself. Why now, couldn't you have waited another five minutes? "Nothing, I caught Spencer doing schoolwork on a Sunday. Right, Spence?", I turned around and looked at her with a 'play along' face. She looked confused for a second, as if she thought that I would've told them a thing she didn't want them to know. Soon she shook her head a bit, put on a smile and answered, "Yeah, right. She was just telling me that I'm crazy for doing assignments on a weekend."

Thank God she got the hint. "I would've done the same. I mean, why do something on Sunday when you could just do it Monday morning, right girls?", Hanna answered and the other's agreed with her. After this, we all went down to have some breakfast. Spencer asked us if we wanted some coffee and normally, we all love, and also need, a good coffee in the morning but Spencer tends to make it a bit too strong for our liking. So, we all gratefully declined her offer and she just scoffed at that which made us all chuckle.

We all just sat there, eating our breakfast while listening to Aria telling us about her really weird dream she had this night. By the way, I have a suspicion about why Aria and Mr. Fitz were always acting so weird in class. I think that they might have something with each other. A relationship I mean. But I'm just going to stick with my suspicion because I don't want to pressure her into telling us. I'm not that type of person.

After breakfast, we decided to just go our own ways which meant for me to go home. I took the short-cut through Spencer's garden again and told her that if she was bored, she was welcome to stop by if she'd like. She thanked me for that, and I continued my way home. When I arrived home, I put my things away, took my book and started reading. And that's pretty much all I did that day. It was like 11 o'clock when I decided to go to sleep. Just as I was about to go lie on my bed, there was a knock at my door. Upon hearing that, my anxiety kicked in and I was scared shitless to say the least. I hated things like that. Someone knocking at my door when it's dark outside.

I slowly made my way to the door of my trailer and turned out the lights. Now I was really scared because I just realized that I forgot to lock my door so whoever was out there could just easily storm inside and, I don't know, cut my insides out or something like that. Yes, I was paranoid. As I stood in front of my front door, I looked outside the window and saw a rather feminine figure standing in front of my trailer. Is it somebody I know? I had no idea to be honest. I stood behind the door and slowly opened it. The mysterious figure stepped inside, little by little. My heart was beating faster by the minute. What if this lady is going to kill me?

The woman got her phone out of her back pocket of her pants and put on her flashlight. I still couldn't see her face; she was facing away from me. I started to cower in the corner of my trailer, still shitting my pants. I must've stepped on a little piece of chips or whatever because underneath my shoe there was a little creaking sound. I held my breath as the woman in front of me stopped all her movements. She abruptly turned around and I started to scream just like the mysterious lady. Suddenly the flashlight was on me, and she yelled, "Okay, okay. Hey, calm down, it's just me."

Upon hearing that voice I looked up and was instantly relieved by seeing that it was Spencer who was standing in my trailer. I had to control my breathing though, but it seemed that I wasn't able to do so. I was still breathing violently. Spencer sensed that and crouched down to me, took me in her arms and tried to calm me down. She whispered things in my ear and told me to breath with her. After a few minutes my breathing seemed to slow down and soon it was back to normal. She helped me up, sat me on the couch and then brought me a glass of water which I downed in seconds.

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