Chapter 8

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The next morning, I woke up due to my alarm ringing. I quickly turned it off because it was annoying as fuck. When I tried to sit up, I wasn't able to do so because there was a weight on my chest. I looked at my chest and I could see Spencer's head lying there. My heartbeat started to quicken the second I realized this. Did we fall asleep like this? I literally had no idea, but it was the best feeling in the world. Having her lying on my chest. She looked so peaceful like this; it was a beautiful sight. As much as I wished to stay in this moment forever, we had to get up and get ready for school.

I put one of my hands on her shoulder and lightly shook her, "Spence." She stirred a little and just groaned a quiet, "What?" I chuckled at this. Someone wasn't a morning person today, huh? "We need to get up. We've got school today." When I said that, she immediately sat up in a panicked state. "What? What time is it? Are we late?", she wouldn't stop rambling and panicking. I put my hands on her shoulders. "Hey, calm down. We're not late. It's 7 o'clock", I told her with a soft voice. She let out a sigh of relieve and slumped back on the bed. I laughed at her and she started to smile as well.

We just laid there for a few minutes, trying to muster up enough motivation to get out of bed. Soon we got out of bed and started to get ready for school. Aria called and asked us if we could meet a little earlier to get some breakfast at school and we agreed to it. So, half an hour later we made our way to school. We didn't really talk much; we just enjoyed each other's presence while walking. It was a good moment and a comfortable silence. I could feel that this would be a good day. When we were around five minutes away from school, Spencer suddenly took my hand to stop me. I looked at her with a confused expression on my face.

"Please don't tell them about what we talked about yesterday. Please", she practically begged me. I smiled at her and told her that she didn't need to worry because my lips were sealed. She thanked me once again and we continued our walk. But I didn't miss the way she never let go of my hand for the rest of our walk. When I noticed that she wasn't going to let go any time soon, my lips curled up in a soft smile. Although I was a good mood, I wasn't looking forward to school at all. I just wanted to go to a beautiful field, listen to relaxing music and read books. If it would be my last day on earth, I definitely would spend it like this.

When we arrived at school later, we saw the girls already waiting for us. We greeted each other and I saw Hanna looking at our hands a little too long before raising her eyebrows at us. I looked at our hands as well before reality hit me and I quickly let go of her hand. Hanna gave me a smirk while I could feel my face heating up. I was kind of embarrassed. I was so out of it that I completely forgot about our hands being linked together. Spencer didn't seem to mind and if I could see correctly, I could see a hint of disappointment in her eyes when I let go of her hand. But I didn't want the others to assume that there was something between us. Because there clearly wasn't.

After this little embarrassing incident, we made our way to the cafeteria to get us some breakfast. Well, to get the others some breakfast because I didn't have any money on me. I told the girls that I will be looking for a seat while they get their food. They were already used to me not eating so it wasn't a big deal. A few minutes later they all sat down and suddenly I saw a tray with food in front of me. I looked at Spencer sitting next to me, and she just gave me a warm smile while saying, "Don't argue. Just say 'Thank you' and eat."

I hated when people did this for me. It made me feel like they were pitying me. But as Spencer smiled at me like that, I could see that she just wanted to do something nice for me. So, I mumbled a quick, "Thank you, Spence." Her smile grew bigger. "You're welcome." I still hated that she did this.

After we ate breakfast, the bell for first period rung and we all made our ways to our lockers. When we got our books, the girls went their way while Spencer and I made our way to the biology lab. We took our seats in the back of the class and got out our things for this class. I know what you all think, Spencer Hastings sitting in the back? Well, we wanted to sit together and then we argued about where to sit, and I told her repeatedly that I wasn't going to sit in the front. I wasn't backing down, so she decided to just sit in the back with me.

As we got settled, I could see Spencer staring at me from the corner of my eye. I turned to her and looked at her with a confused expression, "What?" "Thank you for not telling the others. I really appreciate it", she told me with nothing but sincerity in her eyes. I gave her an honest smile and told her, "Of course. You just tell them when you're ready." She gave me a small nod and smiled at me. Fuck, her dark, almond eyes are so fucking perfect. It's like they can see through my soul. It was so hard to look away when she was looking at me with her deep, hypnotizing eyes but I had to. I couldn't risk her knowing about my crush on her.

Luckily, the teacher came in right at this moment which meant we had to pay attention. We didn't really talk throughout the rest of the class. We really were paying attention. Even if it was really hard while having her next to me. At the end of class, we were given a group project. Spencer and I decided to do it together and she wanted me to come over to her house later so that we could get started on it, which I agreed to.

Next, we had English but other than the awkwardness of Mr. Fitz and Aria the class was really boring. I mean, I loved English and I loved writing stuff and everything, but it was just plain boring today. When school ended, I said goodbye to the girls and went to work. I still had to pay my rent somehow. I was so fucking tired, and I hated to put up with my co-worker's bullshit today. I almost snapped at her for being so annoying today.

After my awful work shift, I quickly went home to take a shower and to waken myself up hopefully. It didn't work. If I laid down at that moment I for sure would fall asleep. Still, I couldn't. I hat to get to Spencer's for our project. I called her to tell her that I was on my way. Next thing I know I was in front of her door, and she let me in while wearing that gorgeous smile of hers. We went up to her room to get started on the project. I was trying so hard to pay attention to what she was saying but there was only one thing on my mind: sleep. But, the moment Spencer was about to show me the things she already wrote down was also the moment I fell asleep and I was out cold.

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