Chapter 3

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I proceeded to do my homework that I got today right when I got home so that I wouldn't forget to do it. After a small dinner I was really tired and just managed to take a shower and change my clothes before dropping into my bed. I turned on my alarm for tomorrow morning and just as I was on the verge of falling asleep, my phone chimed. I looked at it and silently cursed whoever just texted me because I was really fucking tired.

As soon as I saw who it was, I instantly took back my cursing and the frown on my face was replaced with a small smile. The text I got was from Spencer. "Hey, this is Spencer. It was really fun talking to you on our way home. Looking forward to breakfast tomorrow. Good night. :)", was what the text said. It made me smile even more. I instantly texted back, "Hey Spencer. It was really cool talking to you as well. See you tomorrow at school. Sleep well." I put my phone on my nightstand and for the first time in a long time I fell asleep with a little smile on my face.

Waking up the next day, was really easy compared to the morning before. I was actually kind of looking forward to going to school today. I mean, those four girls seem really nice, and I like that they are nice to me. Wasn't like that in my old school. So, I quickly did my makeup, changed into my normal clothes and headed out with my bag in tow. I easily memorized my way to school but it's not like I walked a little slower when I was near Spencer's house. No, where did you get this idea from?

Anyways, I didn't see her come out of the house, so I proceeded to walk my normal speed to school. Which wasn't very long but I was glad when I finally reached it. I saw Spencer and the girls waiting for me outside. They all smiled at me, and we greeted each other. "So, shall we go in. I'm starving", Hanna rushed out and started to walk ahead. We all laughed at her and began our way into the school's cafeteria. I didn't have any money to buy myself some food, so I just told the girls that I already ate breakfast. When they asked me why I did that if we said we'll meet up for breakfast I just lied and told them that my mom didn't want me to leave the house without something in my stomach. That's when they believed me.

I felt really bad about lying to the girls but what am I supposed to do? I didn't want them to know what a loser I am. I wanted to be friends with them and if they knew the truth about me, they sure as hell didn't want to be my friends anymore. Then everything would start from the beginning. I couldn't have that. So, I decided to keep quiet.

I watched them eat and my stomach almost grumbled at the sight of this delicious food. But I know how to keep a grumble in. I was glad as they finished though and soon the bell for first period already rang. We all went together this time because we all had English for first period. It was nice hanging out with them. They were involving me in their conversations and also asked me some things about me. Nothing too personal though for which I was thankful.

This English lesson was just as weird as the last one. I mean, don't all the other kids in this classroom wonder why this teacher is being so fucking awkward? He was stuttering almost all through the lesson and when he asked a question, some guy in the room answered. Aria commented on that and I felt like there was another meaning behind her words. Her monologue sounded very emotional. Like she experienced the things she said herself. And throughout her 'speech', she just stared at Mr. Fitz. So, talk about weird.

After the lesson, Mr. Fitz asked Aria to stay behind so the other girls and I went to our next lesson which, for me, was Spanish. I wasn't scared of Spanish. My mother was from Cuba, so I decided to learn the Spanish language when I was five years old. Oh yeah, my mother died giving birth to me. It's tragic but I know she's been watching over me since that day.

Last period for today was P.E. and after that the girls asked me if I wanted to join them to a café called 'The Brew'. It's supposed to be really nice there, so I decided I'll go with them. I am allowed a little fun, right?

We all ordered our drinks when we entered and found ourselves some really nice seats in the corner on some couches. With the little money I had with me, I decided to get an iced coffee. I at least try to allow myself to spend my money a little. Not too much though because I'm still broke as fuck.

We talked about God knows what and they also told me a few things about their former friend Alison DiLaurentis who sadly already passed away. I told them that I wish I came here sooner so I could've met her. You want to know what they answered? "I don't think you would've liked her very much. We were her friends and she always helped us with our problems, yes, but she also treated us like shit. But we only noticed this after she disappeared almost two years ago. We still miss her a lot though, she was our best friend after all."

I was kind of shocked by their reaction towards my words. Because why would anyone talk about their 'best friend' like that? But I guess they had their reasons to dislike her. So, I didn't push them to tell me anything else about her. They only really told me the fun parts of being Alison's friend.

After our talk about Alison was done, the mood around the table changed. I decided to change the subject to something else and everyone seemed to hop onto the train. And while we were sitting there, I thought about how much I want to tell them everything about me. I didn't want to keep such big secrets from them. They were the only people who ever spoke nicely to me. I know, it's been only two days, but I don't know, they just give me a vibe.

I decided to start with a really 'simple' secret of mine. I'm gay. But I didn't know when and where I'm going to come out to them. I mean, they couldn't be against it, Emily's gay. And no, she hasn't told me, but I just seem to have a really trustworthy gaydar. It's really fun because there was one time when I knew that a guy from my old high school was gay before he even knew it himself really. I didn't say anything to anyone of course but when he came out, I was extremely proud of him, but I also laughed a little because I thought it was so funny.

"Hey guys, I have to tell you something", I blurted out of the blue, catching everyone's attention on the table. They looked at me expectantly and I started to grow nervous. "Not many people accepted the thing I'm about to tell you but I have a feeling that I can trust you guys with this one", I rambled. I just wanted to pay myself some time. "You can tell us anything, Angelina. We won't judge you", Spencer said with the sweetest smile I've ever seen on anyone. The girls agreed with her.

Well, I guess it's now or never. "I like women", I came out to them. Their eyes widened a bit. Probably because they didn't expect me to be gay. But after a few seconds they just said, "Okay. Thank you for telling us." They also asked me if I was openly gay or if they were not to mention it to anyone. I said that I didn't care if anybody knew, and they accepted that.

"Hey, maybe you and Emily could be a couple. You'd be so cute together", Hanna said, and Emily and I just looked at each other with wide eyes. We both said that we weren't really each other's type and then we all laughed again. It was cute of Hanna to think of us that way, but we just would never work.

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