Chapter 2

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The patio also offered some tables to eat outside of the school's lunch hall. I spotted Spencer with three other girls. Her back was turned to me so I could look at her without getting caught. Soon the bell rang, and it was time for English. I met Spencer at our lockers, and we headed to the classroom. I thanked Spencer for showing me here and found myself a seat in the back of the room. Again. I didn't want anyone watching me. I like to watch other people though. I'm an observer, so it's what I do. The girls Spencer was sitting at with lunch walked in and they began talking. The new teacher was already in the room when Spencer and I walked in. After the bell rang and everyone took their seats, he turned around and took a look around the classroom. As he did so, his gaze stopped at a girl sitting at the desk in front of me and you could clearly see his eyes going wide in shook. What's his deal? He began to introduce himself as Mr. Fitz with a stuttering voice. What the hell?

The rest of class went by with a really awkward Mr. Fitz. We were told to write an essay on "To Kill a Mockingbird". Really no big deal for me because that's my favorite book in the whole world and I'm pretty sure I already read it like three times and now I'm very happy to read it one more time.

I was walking to my locker because next period I had P.E. and I had to get my things out of it. I hate P.E. It was something I always tried to ditch because I've got something, and I really don't like people to know. You know, normally I loved sports but the real problem for me was the changing part. I hate to change in front of other people.

Spencer showed up beside me, a beautiful smile on her face. She was practically glowing. Behind her were those same three girls I saw her with at lunch and in English. "Hey Angelina, do you have P.E. now?", she asked me on which I answered with a simple yes. "Great, we all do too. Would you like us to walk you to the girls' locker room?" "Um, sure. If it's alright with all of you", I said shyly. Why was I always so nervous around other people? All of the girls smiled at me and the one with blonde hair jumped in, "Of course we don't mind. I'm Hanna by the way." "I'm Emily", another with a beanie and some really nice brown eyes said. "And my name's Aria", the last one with brown hair and with a really great sense of style told me. "Hi, it's really nice to meet you all. My name's Angelina but I'm pretty sure Spencer told you that already", I said with a rather shaky voice. "Nice to meet you too", all of them said in chorus. We all laughed at that.

"Well, shall we go?", Spencer jumped in, and we all agreed. They led me to the girls' locker room, and I got more nervous by the minute. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. How am I supposed to change without anyone seeing? I was really uncomfortable with my whole body but that was not the reason why I didn't want anyone to watch me get changed. But that is a story for another time. As we entered the locker room, I spotted a restroom. That's when I got an idea. I told the girls that I will go to the toilet really quickly and while I was in there I just got changed. When I came out, I saw the girls were finished getting changed themselves and I joined them.

"When did you get changed?", Hanna asked me. "I got changed in the restroom. I thought that if I am already there, I could also get changed really quick", I explained with some hesitation in my voice. I mean, it wasn't like I was lying to them, I just left out the reason why I was changing in there. Still, I felt kind of bad about it. They just shrugged it off and we all went into the hall. After P.E., I gladly didn't have to find an excuse because we all took a shower anyways. We all had time for a shower because it was the last period of the day, so we didn't have to rush to our next class. I somehow managed to take a shower and change into some fresh clothes in the shower stall without anyone noticing.

Once we all finished with our shower, we headed outside, and they told me I could meet them tomorrow a little earlier at school because they were having breakfast there. I happily agreed to this, and we said our goodbyes. Expect for Spencer. She told the others she'll meet them tomorrow. "So, which way you're headed?", she asked me. "Oh, just that way", I answered and pointed with my finger in the right direction. "Same here, so do you mind if I walk with you?" "No, I'd actually like some company", I said, and I could feel my cheeks heating up a bit, so I looked away. "Alright", she said, and we started walking.

In those fifteen minutes of walking together, she asked me how my first day has been and she told me that she hated that school but studied like a crazy person because that's the only way she knew how to get through. I was shocked a bit but also not really. I kind of expected that from the moment she bumped into me by our lockers. She asked me about my school records. A lot of people may have found that question rude or something, but I just took it as a normal question. "Well, let's just say I am very intelligent, and I get things very easily, but my grades aren't the best because this school system is just fucked up. For me, grades don't tell how intelligent someone is, but they rather make us feel worse because if we get a "bad" grade, we instantly think that we're a loser and we're really dumb", I answered. I didn't intend for my answer to be so long, but I can get kind of carried away about something I have a really strong opinion on. "Well, I guess you're right about that", she told me after being silent for a minute.

"I'm not trying to change your opinion on it. I am just trying to give my opinion to others the way it makes sense. I accept and also respect everyone's opinion as long as they accept and respect mine as well." "No, no. I totally get that, but I was just saying that you're right. I guess I just know that one way of getting through school. Give all or give nothing. I was raised that way. Can't do anything about it", she answered, sounding kind of sad.

"But you can do something about it. You don't have to be what people expect you to be"; I told her, meaning every word I said. "I guess it's gonna take a while for me to learn that", she said, looking away. "I'm always ready to help with that", I told her honestly. She looked at me with a grateful smile, "Thank you, really." "Of course."

It didn't matter how long we were walking, our paths never separated. We were walking the same way since we started to walk away from school. When we took a new turn, we walked down the street and suddenly she stops walking. "Well, this is me", she informed me. We were standing in front of a really huge house with a small lounge on the other end of the garden. "It's a really nice house", I admitted. "Thank you. Do you have much longer?" "No, my place is just ten minutes away form here." It was true. The trailer park was only 10 minutes away from her place.

To be completely honest, if I took a short-cut through her garden, I'd already be there. But I wasn't going to tell her that. I didn't want her to think of me like some broke ass girl. Which I was but it doesn't matter. "Oh, okay. That's great. So, I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast?", she asked hopefully. "Of course, I'll see you guys then", I answered with a smile and began to walk away.

"Wait!", she yelled. I turned back around and saw her running towards me. I started to get nervous again. What does she need so desperately that she's running at me? "I wanted to ask you if I could get your number?", she asked hesitantly. I smiled and answered, "Sure, give me your phone." She looked around, a little embarrassed and told me she didn't have her phone with her right now. She then started to dig in her back and handed me a pen. I took it and looked at her with utter confusion. What am I supposed to do with a pen? "Here, just write it on my arm", she explained and stretched out her wrist to me. My mouth opened in a O-shape and I inwardly face-palmed myself. Of course, that's what she meant. Why didn't you think of that yourself, you fool?

I smiled at her and grabbed her wrist. She seemed to tense under my touch but soon relaxed and I began to write my number down. After I was done, I looked up at her and handed her back her pen. Her cheeks were flushed which made my cheeks flush as well. We said our really weird goodbyes and I made my way to my trailer.

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