Chapter 12

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We continued our walk but there was a thick tension in the air. I was serene about this whole situation because I just knew that it wasn't possible for her to be standing there. Not so the other girls. For the rest of the afternoon, the girls almost didn't say a word which was unusual because normally they never stop talking. I guess that situation really got them thinking. I mean, I couldn't blame them. If I'd be in their situation, I'd be the same. It's just a little odd because I don't know them like that.

The next day came, and I decided to join them for breakfast this time. I had to pay my rent yesterday and when I saw that I still had some money left, I decided that I could allow myself a breakfast in school this one time. The mood was still a little off between the girls, but it wasn't as bad as it was yesterday. I tried to bring it up, but they didn't really give me an answer, so I thought it was best to just drop it. The one thing I noticed was that the girls kept looking around, probably searching for the mysterious woman from whom they thought was Alison. I understood them though. Seeing that woman must have thrown them off balance. It probably also brought back a lot of memories from the past.

After English class, Mr. Fitz asked me to stay behind. What the hell does he want? What if he thought that my last essay was bad? I walked towards him with an uneasy expression on my face. "You wanted to see me?", I said timidly. He smiled at me and reassured me that I wasn't in trouble or anything. "I just wanted to see you about your essay. It completely blew me away." Okay, I didn't expect that. "Really?", I asked him. "Definitely. It is very rare that a girl of your age has such a way with words. You're a beautiful writer. You really moved something inside of me and let me tell you that that's a very rare thing to happen. Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to reading your next paper." I was baffled. Did he really think that? "Thank you so much, Mr. Fitz." "You're welcome. Let me ask you, is that something you want to do after school? I mean writing?" "I don't know. I never thought about what I want to do after school. I never even thought that my writing would be any good. The only thing I know is that I love to write and that I put my whole heart into it", I explained. "Well, you should really think about it. You've got a beautiful talent and I think that you should allow other people to see it as well. And if you ever need help with anything, I'm happy to help at all times", he suggested. "Thank you. I will think about it. Have a good day." And with that I left his classroom. I was speechless.

Never in my life had I thought that I could go into writing after school. I mean, it was one of the little things that I really enjoy doing. I also journal a lot. Telling stories is also something I do sometimes. I kept looking up at the ceiling, trying to comprehend the things Mr. Fitz just told me. He liked my writing. I still couldn't believe that someone could enjoy reading the things I wrote. A feeling of happiness grew inside of me. The rest of the day went by very slowly. The other's asked me what Mr. Fitz wanted to talk about and when I told them, they were very happy for me. They also asked me if I'd allow them to read some of my things someday. "When I am ready for it to be read by someone else, I'll let you guys", was my answer and they were okay with that.

After school we bed our goodbyes and this time I didn't walk home with Spencer because I had to go to the shops because I needed some groceries. On my way there, I bumped into someone and next thing I know we were laying on the floor, side by side. While standing up, I kept apologizing to the person I run into and helped them up. When I looked up, I saw a girl around my age. She had long, blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. I looked her up and down and I recognized her clothes. It was the girl who stood in front of Alison DiLaurentis' memorial last night. Her face reminded me of someone, but I couldn't pinpoint it. "Stop apologizing. It's okay, nothing happened", the mysterious girl said and gave me a small smile. She seemed nervous somehow. "Okay, I've got to go now", she said and before I knew it, she was gone. She didn't even give me a chance to say goodbye. Weird. I shrugged my shoulders and continued my way to the grocery store. Later, just when I wanted to get started on dinner, Spencer called and wanted to know if I'd like to hang out. "Sure, I was just about to get started on dinner though so would you mind if we meet up in like an hour?", I responded. "I actually just finished dinner. I could just come to your and bring something with me. I haven't eaten yet either", she suggested, and I agreed to her proposal.

A few minutes later, there was a knock at my door. "Come in," I called out. I knew it was Spencer, so it was no big deal. She came in with a really big smile and immediately started to warm up the food. Seeing her smile like this always made my body tingle. It gave me a warm feeling to know that she was feeling good. It gave me a better feeling when I knew that she smiled because of me but I knew that this couldn't always be the case.

While we ate our dinner, Spencer and I decided that we'd have a sleepover tonight because it was Friday and none of us wanted to be alone. We washed the dishes after we were done with our food and then we took the books we were currently reading and made ourselves comfortable on my couch. I couldn't really concentrate on my book though because I kept thinking about this moment we were in right now. This is what I want in my future. A girlfriend I can read with. Someone I can talk about books and watch true crime documentaries with. And Spencer is just that person who likes the same things I do. Well, we mostly liked the same things but still.

I also came to notice that if we were reading like this (and believe me when I say that we did this a lot) we were always touching each other in one way or another. Our shoulders, our feet, our legs. It was just like we needed to know that the other one was there. It was kind of like our thing. And I loved it. It gave me some kind of reassurance which was great because throughout my life people never really reassured me.

While I thought about this, I made a very big decision. Well, for me it was a very big decision. I decided that Spencer should be the first one to read one of my short stories. She I stood up abruptly which gave Spencer a fright. "Um... Angie. What are you doing?", she asked me as she saw me digging for something one of my drawers. When I finally found one of my college blocks, I turned around and looked for a really short story which wasn't all that embarrassing. When I found one, I just handed her the college block and told her to read it. After a few minutes she was finished and looked at me. She didn't say anything at first, just looked me straight in the eye. When she finally collected her thoughts, she said, "Wow, Angie. This is amazing. I mean, I read some of your essays but this, right here, is jaw-dropping." I blushed a little and started to scratch my neck. "Do you really think so?" "Are you kidding me? Of course, I do. Mr. Fitz was right. You really are a beautiful writer." I didn't know what to say to that, so I just gave her a grateful smile and then we decided to watch a true crime documentary.

Spencer fell asleep during the documentary and when it was finished, she abruptly sat up and said, "No, I didn't fall asleep. I'm wide awake." At first, I looked at her in shock because her movement was so sudden, but then I started laughing a little. "No, of course you didn't. I guess the snoring sound came from my neighbor then"; I teased her, and she put her hand on her chest as if she was offended. We then giggled a little and then we decided that we'll go to sleep because it was really late after all. On our way to the bedroom, Spencer tripped over her feet, but I managed to catch her. "Oh my God, are you okay?", I asked her while laughing a little. "Yeah, I'm good." "Okay, that's good."

Just now I happen to notice our close proximity. Immediately, my heart started to beat as if it were to jump out of my chest at any moment and I felt like I'm starting to sweat. I also noticed that my breathing got heavier. Spencer just looked at me and made no sign of moving away. This could be my chance of making my move on her. As I was about to lean in a little more, there was a loud knock on my door. We immediately moved away from each other, and I went to the door to open it. In front of my door were the other girls, looking as if they were out of breath.

"We need to tell you guys something", said Aria and Spencer and I looked at each other, an uneasy expression on our faces.

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