Chapter 15

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A few hours later, my shift ended, and I went home to take a shower and do my homework. When I finished all that, I made myself something to eat but realized that I made way too much so I decided to call Spencer to ask if she'd like to come over and eat something. I dialed her number, it rang for a few moments before I heard the most beautiful voice I've ever heard, "Hey, Angie. What's up?" I closed my eyes for a moment because I just loved hearing her voice. "Hey, Spence. Did you eat already?" "No, I haven't, why're you asking?" I smiled because she just made me happy, "I just made dinner and it's way too much for me alone, so I wanted to ask if you'd like to come over and have dinner with me." She chuckled slightly, "That would be wonderful." Her answer only made my smile bigger, "Great. So, I'll see you soon?" "Sure, see you", she said and hung up.

Every time I knew I was going to see her my heart raced like I'm running a marathon. Suddenly, a thought came to my mind, and I found myself dialing Spencer's number again, "Yes, Angie?", she answered. "Bring your book because we're going to the field", was the only thing I said and hung up. I just hope the weather will be good tonight because I'd really like to read with her and later, when the sky is dark, look at the stars.

Half an hour later, I heard the door to my trailer open and in came Spencer. When I looked at her, I was awestruck. I always was when I looked at her. I had no idea how Spencer can look this good all of the time. Even in the mornings when she just woke up, she just looked flawless. She always said that she didn't, but she really did. "Hey, you look good", I told her honestly. She blushed at my statement, as she always does, but gave me a small smile in return, "Thank you. I'm so glad you called me because I'm starving." I chuckled, "Well, thank God I cooked more than I planned then. Sit down, dinner will be ready in a minute", I ordered, and she did as I asked of her. When I put the food on our plates, I put one of them in front of her and bowed down slightly, "Your dinner is served, your Majesty", I said, and she thanked me while laughing wholeheartedly.

I sat down on the other side of the table and watched her as she took her first bite of her food. She started to chew and all of a sudden, she moaned while tasting it. This sound made me stop all my movements and my eyes open wide. I didn't expect such a sound to come out of her mouth. It made me feel something inside. Something I've never felt before, which was desire. Desire for her. But I also knew I needed to keep those 'desires' to myself. I didn't want to ruin this great friendship there was between us. I just couldn't lose her because of my feelings for her. "Angie, this is fucking amazing", she complimented my cooking skills. I didn't hear her though, still being in a daze because of the sound that escaped her a few moments prior. "Angie?", she exclaimed. I shook my head to rid myself of the thoughts I was thinking and answered, Yes?" she scoffed a little and said once again, "Your food is delicious." I smiled at her and thanked her for her compliment.

While we ate our dinner, we had a little bit of small talk. Then she asked me, "Hey, I was wondering why you were suggesting that we go to the field today. It's supposed to rain later today." I glared at her and answered, "Well that's too bad because we are going anyway. I really need this after my work shift, please." I looked at her with the best puppy dog eyes I could find myself doing until she sighed deeply, "Okay, fine. But when it starts raining, we immediately go home, okay?" "Agreed", I exclaimed and smiled at her widely.

We finished our dinner, washed the dishes, and just hung out for like half an hour or an hour before we went out. When we left my trailer, it was around five in the afternoon so there was still plenty of time for us to read our books before it'd get dark. "What do you think about getting my car?", I looked at her questionably while trying to lock my door, "You know, to get home dry when it really does start to rain." I got down from my steps and said, "Yeah, sure. We don't want to get sick because we're walking in the rain, right?" We both chuckled at my sarcasm and started to walk to Spencer's house to get her car. When we got to her house, Spencer went inside to get her car keys. I decided to wait outside because the sun was really comforting right now. I looked at the sky. As if it's going to rain later. I mean, look at this beautiful weather.

Spencer soon came outside again. She unlocked her car and when we both had our seatbelts on, she began driving. We listened to our favorite music and sang along. When we arrived at the field, we got out of Spencer's car, took the blanket from the trunk of her car and made our way to our spot. We laid down and chatted for a few minutes before we went on with our books. It was just like it always was. We both sighed deeply before we began to read. And just like always, we were touching the whole time. Most of the time that afternoon, my head was on Spencer's stomach. At like seven o'clock, it began to get dark, and we put our books away. The twilight was really pretty. We looked up at the sky and Spencer also gushed about how beautiful the sunset was. I agreed with her, but I must admit, it wasn't nearly as beautiful as Spencer.

Spencer took out her phone and took a picture of the sky. I snatched her phone out of my hands, "Hey!", she yelled and tried to get her phone back. "Come on, stand up. I'm going to take some pictures of you." She looked at me in disbelief, "Have you looked at me? I look like a bag of potatoes", she said but I only shook my head no. "I am taking pictures of you and there is no backing out." She face-palmed herself but stood up, nonetheless. She began to pose, and I took her pictures. I knew Spencer hated someone taking pictures of her, but I didn't care, I just wanted her to know how beautiful she really was.

When she's had enough, she sat down next to me again and we looked at her pictures. "Ugh, they're all so ugly, I can't believe it", she said while running her hands through her hair in frustration. Okay, I expected that. I took her face in my hands to make her look at me. "You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen. Please don't think so less of you. I wish I could give you my eyes for just a minute so you could see yourself the way I see you", I explained honestly. She smiled at me and teared up a little bit, "You make me feel beautiful... thank you, Angie." She hugged me after she said that. "It's just the truth, Spence. I don't want you to say bad stuff about yourself", I told her which just made her squeeze me tighter.

When we broke our hug, we laid back down on the blanket and looked at the sky. It got pretty dark quite soon and the only thing you could see were the stars. There weren't any clouds to be seen so I doubted that there would be rain tonight. I was so utterly happy in that moment. It was moments like these I would like to freeze time and stay there forever.

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