Chapter 13

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We all sat on my couch. Spencer and I still didn't know what was going on. We were looking at the other's expectantly. "So", I cleared my throat, "What did you guys want to tell us?" They all looked at each other. Then, Emily took a deep breath and began to tell the story, "Well, maybe you guys have noticed that I've been very distracted lately", she started, and I nodded at her. On one hand to confirm that I indeed noticed her odd behavior these last few weeks, on the other to show her that she should keep going. "The thing is, I've been keeping something from all of you. Someone came into my life, and they asked me to keep her 'existence' a secret. But I talked to that person and asked them if it would be alright to tell you guys because it's just so fucking hard to keep such a big secret from you. You guys are my best friends, and I can't lie to you. Not anymore. They said that it would be alright. I don't know if you will believe me but the person who came into my life," she made a small pause to collect her thoughts. She took a deep breath and the words that came out of her mouth were unbelievable. "It's Ali. She came into my life again and now she wants to come back into your lives as well. She also really wants to meet you, Angie."

There was an uncomfortable silence while we took in her words. "Okay, what?!", Spencer exclaimed, "That's just not possible. Ali died a long time ago. It's impossible for her to be back." Spencer was clearly stressed out about what Emily said. I didn't say anything as of now. Emily took another breath before she continued, "But you also saw her back at the memorial. I didn't believe it at first as well. When she stood in front of me, I thought I was hallucinating because I just missed her so much. You guys know that she was the first girl I ever fell in love with which is why I thought that my mind was playing with me. But soon I came to realize that it was indeed her." I still couldn't believe her. I don't think that it would be possible that she would be back. She couldn't be, could she?

"Do you happen to have a picture of Alison?", I randomly asked. They looked at me with a weird expression but soon Hanna gave me her phone and on there was a photo of Alison DiLaurentis. This only confirmed my suspicion, the girl I bumped into was Alison. I knew that she looked familiar when I saw her face. "You know guys, I bumped into someone today on my way to the grocery store. She looked so familiar, but I just couldn't point my finger at it. Now I know why. The girl I bumped into looked like her. I remember that you guys showed me a picture of her when you first talked about her in front of me. Now I know that I bumped into her. I have no idea how this is possible but... it was Alison. So, I know that you're not lying right now, Em."

She took a deep sigh of relieve. I guess it was a sigh of relieve. Relieve that someone believed her. It still didn't make any sense to me but somehow, it was true. I mean, there were only two options. Option number one, Alison rose from the dead. Number two, she never actually died. But how would that be possible. "But how is this possible?", Spencer asked as if she could read my mind. "That's what I am asking myself as well", I exclaimed, "I mean, you guys had a funeral and everything. There is so way she could be back." Emily now took a deep breath of frustration, "But you saw her yourself. So, how could I make something like that up? I would love to tell you guys more, but I think you should hear that from Ali herself. Not now of course because she's not ready to meet you all just yet but in the near future, maybe."

Spencer crossed her arm in front of her chest while looking at the ground, deep in thought. I didn't say anything anymore because this was all so surreal for me. After a few moments, Spencer spoke again, "If this is true then why did you keep it from us, Em? Didn't you trust us?" "I do trust you guys with my life, and you know that. I did it for Ali. I didn't want to betray her trust because she clearly trusts me. There were many occasions where I wanted to tell you guys, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it."

"When did you guys find out about that?", I asked Hanna and Aria. "Like an hour ago, maybe? We were on our nightly walk when Emily revealed to us what she just told you guys. After she told us everything, we immediately went here so, thinking that you guys should know as well", Aria explained.

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