Chapter 5

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After a moment, her lips started to curl up in a smile and she screamed, "Oh. My. God. You've got a crush on Spencer. Angelina, this is so cute. You would make such a sweet couple." She rambled on and on until I stopped her, "Okay, okay. Well, first. Thank you for accepting that. And second, please don't tell her." "I'm not going to tell her but why don't you tell her?", she asked, a little calmer now, still smiling like an idiot.

"Well, first off, she doesn't like me like that. She's got Toby. And secondly, she would hate me if she found out and our friendship means the world to me. I know I don't know her, and all of you guys, that long but I don't want to lose you all. Especially her", I told her. She looked at me with concern in her eyes.

"Okay, look. You don't even know if she likes you like that if you're not willing to try. And none of us would hate you if they found out you like Spencer. They would ship it as much as I do. And Spencer would not hate you either", she tried to convince me, but it didn't work really well. "Believe me, you can tell the others. And if you're not ready to tell Spencer, we will keep quiet. But you better hurry up a bit. That thing she has with Toby won't last long. I can see that. So, when they break up, you better be there for her and slowly but surely show her how much you like her. It will work, I'm sure about that."

She's kind of right. Her and Toby don't have a future together. She's way too good for him. I mean, she's too good for me as well but I don't know. Toby's not even her type. Then again, I'm not her type either. I'm not a guy. But I guess Hanna's right. I will never know if she likes me even just a little bit if I won't tell her. So, I guess I'll try what she said.

The next few weeks, Hanna would always make sure that I was sitting next to Spencer or would always wink at me if Spencer and I planned to go to her place to study. It was getting annoying with time. I soon told the other two girls as well. They reacted just the same as Hanna did, but they also promised me not to tell Spencer about my feelings for her.

Almost three weeks after my conversation with Hanna, Spencer called at seven p.m. and asked me if we could meet up. Her voice sounded kind of rough. Still, it was the best sound I've ever heard. Of course, I immediately said yes, so we met up at the park. When I saw her, I was shocked. Her eyes were puffy, like she had been crying for hours already. I speed-walked towards her and asked her what was wrong. I was really concerned. What the hell happened?

"It's about Toby. We just broke up", she said, her voice starting to break. "I swear I'm going to break-", I started but Spencer stopped me. "No, don't. He didn't do anything. It was consensual. That's why I don't really know why I'm crying so much", she said, almost starting to cry again. "It's alright, Spence. You had feelings for him, it's normal to cry after a breakup. Even if it was mutual. You still were together." She nodded at my words and was on the verge of crying when suddenly we heard a loud thunder, taking us both off guard.

"Hey, do you think that maybe we could go to your place? I don't really feel like being home right now", she asked with hopeful eyes. I suddenly grew nervous again, "Um, sure. But I don't think you'll like my home very much." "Why not?", she asked, confusion spreading across her face. I chuckled and just led her to my place.

I grew more nervous by the minute, but I already prepared myself because she most likely will start running as soon as realization hits her. But it didn't matter. We took the short-cut through her garden. Trying not to be seen by any members of her family. As we were through, we could look at the trailer park. She looked at me, her eyebrows furrowed. I gave her a small, insecure smile and looked down at the park.

As she realized that this was my home, she turned my face towards her with a finger under my chin and she smiled at me. She fucking smiled. So, she doesn't care about me living here? She didn't say anything and just started to walk down where the trailers were. When we arrived at number 27, the number of my trailer, I started to search for my keys. As I found them, I lead her to the door and opened it up. I let her enter first and as I closed the door behind me, I started to get embarrassed.

"Sorry, I know it's not much but it's all I can afford", I explained and looked down in shame. Spencer turned her head to me and gave me a warm smile. "Are you kidding me? This is amazing. It's really cute and the way you decorated this place... it's just so... you", she told me, holding that gorgeous smile on her face the whole time. "But I've got a question." "Yeah?" "Why have you never told us?" Fuck. The question that scared me the most. How am I going to explain this?

"Well, in my old school, nobody liked me because I never had a lot of money. I just had that what my dad gave me which wasn't much. I could never buy myself some nice clothes or anything. The kids noticed me only walking around with dirty stuff and started to bully me. So, when I got here, I got myself a job and saved money to get myself at least a small place to stay. Which I did. And I told myself that I'll never tell anyone about the circumstances I have to live in. I don't have a lot of money. I'm broke almost all the time, and I can barely afford dinner which is the only meal I eat in a day. I just can't afford anything else", I paused for a moment. "And I didn't tell you guys because I was scared that if you ever found out how poor I am, you won't be my friends anymore and then the whole school is going to be on my ass again. I tried to be someone I'm not. I'm so sorry for never telling you", I apologized ashamedly.

She took a seat on my small couch and took the newly revealed information in. Then, she looked at me and said, "I just want you to know that no matter how much money you have and no matter where you live, we'll always be your friends. What matters to us is that you are Angelina. The way you live don't say anything about who you are. We love you for you. Not because you have a lot of money or anything."

When she finished, I started to cry. I expected anything to come out of her mouth, but I certainly didn't expect this. She stood up and wrapped her arms around me. We stood like this for a few minutes until I calmed down. "May I ask you another question?", she asked. "Shoot", I said as I poured both of us a glass of water.

"If you ever need anything, doesn't matter what it may be, please, just give me a call and I'll be there." I smiled weakly at her and thanked her for her kindness. Then she asked me if she could spend the night here because we didn't have any school tomorrow. I told her she could, so she went back to her house to pack a few things she needed. Toothbrush and everything. While she was gone, I decided to prepare everything for the night. I put a few blankets on the couch so I could sleep on it later that night.

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