The Bad News

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"Alright guys, we are going to do 25 Butterfly then 25 Dolphin kick on your side. Ready... GO!" I said as I watched the young swimmers shoot off of the wall. They glided their hands gracefully along the water and flapped their legs in unison.

"Ready.. GO!" I sent the next group of kids. The last kid, Marcus, was one of the less advanced kids. He was slow and fragile. I had to save him once from almost drowning while doing Breath Stroke.

"You got it, Mark?" Mark was his nickname I had given him. He gulped down his fears and nodded. Determined kid, I like it. 

"Ready-" Mark cut me off before I could say 'GO!'.

"Wait! Coach L/N. Can I maybe do Breath Stoke? I feel like I'm finally ready for it." My eyes widened in shock. I thought for a moment before hesitating to nod. He smiled at me and got into his starting position.

"Ready, GO!" I called. He darted under the water and shot like a missile forward. He did the pull out perfectly and proceeded to do everything just right. He's not that bad either. I thought to myself.

"Couch L/N. Why is he doing Breath Stroke?" Lula asked.

"Because he needs to learn, and he told me he felt ready for it. So, I'm letting him do a 50 to prove to me he is ready." I said in response to Lula's question. When Marcus got back, he took off his goggles and rubbed his eyes. He was panting after the long swim.

"Great job Mark! That was amazing! I'm so glad to see that you've improved!" I said cheerfully. Mark looked up at me, he was wearing a happy smile.

"Thank you, Y/N L/N." He said.

"Alright, now. Let's do a hundred I.M. Who remember the-" I got cut off by Mark, again. I'm kinda surprised he keeps talking, usually he is the slow, shy one. Today must be going good for him.

"25 Butterfly, 25 Backstroke, 25 Breath Stroke, and 25 Freestyle." He said.

"Good job. Alright, Ready... GO!" I shouted as the first group ducked down and pushed off the wall. Part of me want to jump in after them and swim alongside them. When they where about half way across the pool, I dismissed the next group. When that group was half way, I let Mark go. He was very fast, actually, he was faster than Shooter, a 6th grader, who was in the lane beside him. Shooter had been swimming for 3 school years and 2 summer swims. Mark, it was his first year. I was so proud and happy that I jumped up and down a little before checking my phone fr the time. 9:20. Five more minutes until they leave. I'll just dismiss them early. I thought. I put up my phone when I say Lula coming up to flip turn into a Breathe Stroke, followed by Sasha, then by Shooter. In lane 5, Cassidy, and Kyle where coming up. In lane 3 Jason and Mark had just turned.

"alright guys, we are out of time! See you Monday at 8:25 for another swim!" I said cheerfully. The kids hauled themselves out of the water. They took off their goggles and then their swim caps and proceeded into wrapping a towel over them. Some of them left immediately while other went to the bathrooms to change. I held back Mark to chat with him.

"Hey dude. That was awesome!" I complimented. A faint blush rose onto his face and his figured with his fingers.

"Thanks Couch L/N." He said in his usual, shy tone.

"I think you should do Breath Stroke at the next meet, how bout it bud?" I said. Mark looked me in the eye. His eyes where sparking with amazement and pride. A big smile crept onto his face.

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes!" He said as he bounced around joyfully.

"Thank you so much Couch L/N!" he said before waving goodbye and heading into the boys bathroom. Just before the door closed, I heard him chatting to his friends about how he improved. I smiled to myself and gathered all the kick boards that where lying around the place and put them into one, neat, pile. I grabbed my stop-watch and put it into my Red and yellow swim bag before putting it onto my shoulder. I walked out of the pool building, waving good-bye to Kaitlynn who was running the front office for today, and made my way to my car. There was hardly a cloud in the sky and the sun was shining warmly into the new day. Sure, it was hard getting up at 8:15 every morning just to coach some kids for part time, but I overall enjoyed it. Swimming has been my favorite sport ever since I was just 3 years old. And this is coming from a girl who's mom is a cook, dad who is a technician, and who's brother is a Janitor. I sighed. Today was a pretty good day so far. It would be better if I didn't get 3 hours of sleep every night. I turned up the radio and listened to 103.3. Wasted On You by Morgan Wallen had just started playing.

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