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"What the..!?" I heard someone say from the door. Funtime Freddy glanced up and let go of me. I turned around, it was an employee. His eyes where wide in fear and shock.

"Someone mind telling me what's happening!?" He shouted. Freddy put his hand on my shoulder.

"William... William Afton is a murder..." I said slowly. I placed my hand on Freddy's.

"Did he do that to you?" The employee said. He slowly moved closer to me. I nodded.

"And what about the robot thing?" He said, looking up and taking a small step back.

"He saved my life." I smiled. I squinted at his name tag, Carlos. Carlos looked back at me.

"I won't question it. But now who's gonna be the boss?" He asked.

"Well, that's up to-" He cut me off.

"I think Sarah should be." He said with a shrug. I didn't know who Sarah was, but ok.

"Excuse me, but... who's Sarah..?" I asked.

"She was the first person that thought William was a bad guy. She built the scooping room." He said. I felt Freddy's grip tighten at the woods 'Scooping Room'. I didn't know the scooping room yet.

"Ok then." I said. the employee slowly walked around me and to the side of Freddy. I twisted over to see him reaching for the power button. It hurts... Freddy's voice echoed in my head. 

"No, wait!" I said, squirming over to stop him. I grabbed his hand before it reached Freddy's button. Freddy turned around and his ears flattened.

"Why not? Rules say, if any animatronic is misbehaving or kills someone, they need to be scooped." When Carlos said that, Freddy stepped back.

"No, no, no, no! He doesn't deserve it! He's nice and good. He saved my life!" I shouted.

"Fine. But when Sarah orders him to be scooped, you can't stop that. Now, make him go back to his stage. You'll need to-" I cut him off.

"Freddy. Can you please go back to your stage?" I asked him. I turned to face him. He put his hands on my shoulders.

"Will you be safe?" He asked. I nodded. He sighed and let go of me then walked back to Funtime Autitorium. I looked back to see Carlos' mouth wide open and his eyes wide.

"What?" I asked him.

"Did- Did that thing just talk!? It's breaking all of it's programming! It's not suppose to do that!" Carlos shouted.

"I know, I know, but if he was just a robot, I would've been dead. Also, William's body is in the closet." I said. Carlos' eye twitched.

"Can't have any dead bodied here or we're in trouble!" Carlos shouted in alarm.

"Just go clean it up." I rolled my eyes. Carlos gulped then peeked inside the closet. 

"Um, Y/N. There's no one in there..." He said. What? I thought I looked inside. A pile of blood, that's all I see. A lot of blodd.

"Uh. I saw him die right there..." I said in concern.

"Ok, listen, I believe you Y/N. I'm going to clean this up and get someone to contact Sarah. Then I want you to go home and relax. Whenever I can talk to Sarah in private, I will tell her about Freddy. Now, go home, kid." He said. I nodded and walked out the door. Well today was eventful. I thought. I paused as I realized I was walked back to Melody's. I shook off the sick feeling and continued walking. When I reached the door, I knocked. Almost immediately, the door flung open and both Daniel and Melody ran into me and embraced me in a big hug.

"Oh, Y/N... I'm so sorry about what I said... I didn't mean it!" Melody said in a shaky voice.

"Don't ever run off like that again!" Daniel exclaimed.

"I'm sorry I ran away... I was overwhelmed... Being at that Party Rental really helps me cheer up." I said as I hugged them back. After a minute or two, Daniel and Mel let go of me and let me inside their house. They sat me down at the table.

"You must be starving! Here, I made some cookies and sausage casaroll." Melody said as she set down a plate with chocolate chip cookies and a slice of sausage casaroll in front of me. Mel and Daniel fixed themselves plates as well. I was really debating on if I should tell them or not as I was eating. Melody got up when she was done eating and took all of our plates to the sink.

"So, Y/N. What about that place brings you joy?" Daniel asked.

"The robots." I smiled.

"Last time I checked, you where terrified of them." He said suspiciously.

"I was terrified of them. Not anymore." I answered Daniel didn't look convinced.

"Alright then. What did you do there?" He asked.

"Talked myself through things." I shrugged.

"Alright, why is your hair like that? Where did you get a bow? How did you find that cat?" He continued questioning me. Melody came back and sat down at the table.

"Well... I- I met somebody there." I said with a shrug. Melody gasped.

"You have a boyfriend!?!?" She shouted. A smile formed on her face.

"What? Well- I- Um... Maybe." I stuttered. My face felt hot.

"What's his name? When are we going to meet him?" Daniel asked.

"Uh..." I thought for a moment. Jake. That's what William called him.

"Jake... Yeah, his name is Jake. And I don't know..." I said.

"Ok then! Oh where's your cat?" Melody asked.

"Well, her name is Sakura now and... OH NO! I left her in Funtime Autorium! Oh no, no, no!!! Fred- I mean..." I stopped myself.

"Who's Fred?" Daniel asked.

"Isn't that one of the nicknames those children gave Funtime Freddy?" Melody asked.

"W-well, yes..." I stuttered. My phone buzzed. Saved by the ring. I thought with relief. I stood up and went to my room. I pulled out my phone, it was my brother. I answered it.

"Hey sis. Guess what." He started.

"What?" I asked.

"We're moving to Florida in two days. Want to come with us? We can pick you up at the air port." He offered.

"U-Um... Sure. Let me talk to some of my friends about it though." I said.

"Great! Remember, two days then we're out. Also, how have you been? Mom said you got a job and Melody said someone died." He said.

"Well, yes. Melody's kids died. There was a murderer. I am fine though. And yeah, I'm a nightguard." I said cheeruflly.

"Good. And I'm sorry about Mel's kids. Eh, she can always have more." He joked.

"Not funny." I said to him.

"Alright well, I got to go. See you in two days." He said.

"Bye." I said, then I hung up. I sighed. I got in bed, curled up, and slept for who knows how long.

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