Ballora's Decommission

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I woke up to Daniel knocking on my door.

"Wha..?" I sat up. Daniel flicked on the lights and I squinted at the sudden brightness.

"Y/N. It's 11:45." He said. It took me a second to realize it was time for my night shift again. I sprang up, brushed my hair and teeth, and but on the bow Mandy gave me. I zoomed downstairs and took a nature valley bar from the kitchen and made a mad dash out the door and to the Party Rental. I opened the doors and saw a lady standing there. She had deep brown hair and blue eyes. She was quite tall too. She was wearing jeans, a white shirt, and a black and red jacket.

"Hello, you must be the nightguard and technition. Yes? Your name was... Y/N, correct?" She asked.

"Um, yes I am. You must be Sarah, the new manager?" I asked. She nodded.

"Alright then, the robots are already underground ready for your maintnance. Good luck." She said then walked out. I sighed and went to the elevator. As I was descending, something knocked me out.

"Y/N... You're in the scooping room now." Ennard's voice echoed through the room. I was breathing heavily, I was inside something. I saw Ballora.

"I will open your face plates so that you can see your precious friend die." He laughed. Then silense. I heard some people talking in the background but my eyes where wide with terror as I stared at Ballora. She was offline. It hurts... Freddy's voice echoed in my mind once again. Then I heard gears moving. A claw-like thing lifted, then with one, deadly thrust, it busted into ballora's chest. Then again, and again, until she fell to the ground as a heap of wires and scrap. My heart was pounding. I started to cry.

"Your heart beat is loosening the springlocks. I suggest you keep them tight." Ennard said. I got my left hand free and began to wind up the springlocks. Not soon after, Mandy and Nick climbed up the suit and rested on the side of the face plates.

"Y/N? Why are you here?" Mandy asked.

"E-Ennard..." I whimpered. Nick gasped and helped me wind up the springlocks. Mandy helped too.

"Don't worry, we'll help you! Nick, go get someone." Mandy said. Nick nodded and jumpd off, causing the springlocks to loosen more. Me and Mandy swiftly wound them up several times. After what felt like an hour, Baby came rushing in with Nick and they carefully disassembled the suit, allowing me to exit it freely.

"Thank you." I said. I was panting and my heart rate was still pretty high.

"Y/N. Ennard took William's body. I do not know where he is right now. He is gone. And where's Ba-" Baby stopped herself when she turned around and saw Ballora on the ground. She cried.

"Mom..?" She said in between tears. She fell to her knees and gently picked up Ballora's scraps.

"Take Y/N to the power console. It's 5:49." She said. Mandy and Nick lead the way in front of me and we exited the room. It didn't take long before we reached Circus Baby's Control Room what ever it's called. We crawled through the vents and Mandy and Nick separated form me and went into Ballora's Gallery.

"Well, hello ag-gain~!" Funtime Freddy called form Ballora's Gallery.

"Yes, Freddy?" I asked. I turned on the light to Ballora's Gallery and saw Funtime Freddy right in front of the window.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"B-Ballora... She.. She got decomissioned." I told him. Silense.

"Go. And be careful. I think Ennard is behind this." He said. I nodded.

"He is." I said, then I entered the vent into Ballora's Gallery.

"Stage." I stated. I heard shuffling then I got up onto the stage that Funtime Freddy had conveniently lit up.

"I'm going to miss her... Her music, her comfort, her knowledge, her presence..." Freddy sighed.

"Me too." I said. I snuggled close to Freddy.

"Hey, about yesterday... When you found out my secret... How do you feel about it?" Freddy asked me.

"I think I agree." I said. Freddy's ears flattened and he hugged me. I hugged him back. We just stayed like that for a while.

"Ew! Get a room!" Foxy's voice shouted. Me and Freddy seperated.

"We're in a room! Mind your buisness!" Freddy yelled back at him. I saw the light flicker in Funtime Autitorium. Funtime Foxy and Bon-Bon where right in front of the window, watching us.

"Hey, where's Ballora?" Foxy yelled.

"She got... She got scooped." Freddy shouted back. 

"She... She's g-gone..?" Foxy said more quietly.

"Yes..." Freddy answered. I heard some sobs.

"She was a mother to Baby... She was like an adopted mother to us all... Who did this?" Foxy demanded.

"Ennard." I said. The light flickered again and Bon-Bon was gone.

"He's going to pay..." Foxy said angerly. The light flashed once more, gone. I checked my phone, 5:58.

"I have to go now, I will see you tomorrow, Freddy." I said. I gave him one last, big hug, then ran to the vent, crawled into the Console, then into the elevator and up to the surface. I went home and ate some cookies then went to sleep.

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