Freddy's Secret

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I slowly opened my eyes. I was laying on something soft and warm. The soft and warm thing was wrapped around- oh. AH! I must have fell asleep on Funtime Freddy! I felt so embarrassed. His arms where wrapped around me and I was laying in his lap. I could feel the cold air escaping his muzzle. I tried to slowly adjust my postion.

"Y/N? Are you awake?" Freddy asked. I paused.

"Um... Yeah. I am." I said. Freddy gasps quietly and released his grip on me. I got out of his lap. My hair was probably messy, my face probably looks terrible, I'm so embarrassed right now!

"I'm so sorry, for that! I- I- I um..." He stuttered. He lifted his hand and tried to fix my hair. He moved some strands of my H/C (hair color) out of my face and ran his fingures through my hair to brush it. I was just sitting there. Very, very still. My face felt so hot. Like a bomb that's about to go off. When Freddy was done with that, he looked at my face, then took his hand, placed it on my cheek, and used his thumb to wipe away a sleep crystal I'm assuming.

"There ya go." He said as he repelled from me. He locked eyes on me and his ears went down. I started figiting with my figures as we stared at each other. This is awkward. BUZZ, BUZZ. I felt the phone in my pocket. I took it out. 'Melody: 'Where are you? Please come home. I'm sorry about what I said. You're not...'' I sighed. 32 unread messages. Great. I turned off my phone and put it back. Freddy was looking up. I looked up with him.

"Whatcha looking at?" I ask.

"Nothing, just thinking." He said.

"About..?" I asked.

"Nothing." Freddy sighed.

"If you're thinking your thinking about something..." I promted.

"I just don't want anyone to know what I'm think of. That's all." He said as he looked back down at me.

"I understand. I don't want people to know my mind either." I said. A lot of stuff happens in here. I thought.Freddy nodded and looked back up to the ceiling. I looked over my shoulder just in time to see Ennard lunge at me. Freddy jerked his head down and his ears flattened. Ennard pinned me to the ground.

"Do you and Funtime Freddy have something going on!?" He asked me harshly.

"What!?" I shouted in fear.

"Are you and Funtime Freddy a thing!?" He yelled. My face imediently felt like fire.

"N-No..." I stuttered. Freddy's ears dipped even more.

"Good. Because if you where, I'd kill him." He smiled. My eyes widened. Freddy got up and pulled Ennard off of me. I got up and smelled iron, blood. Ennard's wires cut my shoulders and now I was bleeding.

"What's your problem?!" Freddy angerly asked Ennard.

"My problem is, that you two like eachother! Don't think I can't see it morons! Well, spoilers for you, I like Y/N as well!" Ennard shouted.

"ENNARD!!!! SHE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO KNOW!" Freddy shouted at Ennard.

"I know. Know what? I give up on trying to ruin your life and take Y/N. I have a much better target." Ennard said. Then he left. My shoulder was really bleeding now and  felt nauseous. Freddy huffed then looked back over at me just in time to see me collapse.

"Y/N... Y/N. Y/N? Y/N!" Freddy said as I woke up. He hugged me tight. Too tight.

"Ow!! Freddy, stop, it hurts!" I said. He let go of me.

"Right, sorry. So sorry..." He said. I sat up and saw the my shoulders where wrapped in bandages and my head was.

"Wha- What happened?" I asked.

"Well, Ennard showed up, lundge at-" Freddy began.

"No, no. After I passed out." I said.

"Oh, you fell and your head started bleeding, I think you have a concussion. But then I took you here and Ballora and Baby wrapped you up." He told me. I could start to feel my head spinning and aching. I tried to stand up, but nearly fell over if Freddy wasn't there to catch me.

"Take it easy. You're going to stay here until someone finds you, then you're going home. Got it? I brought you some water. Drink it. And here's your left over dinner." Freddy handed me water and my brown paper bag. I took it and Freddy sat me back down on the table.

"Th-thank you... Freddy." I smiled at him.

"You're welcome. Now, I have to go... It's almost 6am." He said as he made his way to the door,

"Wait, Freddy." He paused as I called to him.

"D-do you really like me?" I asked. Freddy's ears went down and he turned his head to me.

"Yes. I do." He smiled. Then he opened the door and left. I was alone in the darkness. My head hurt so bad. Not just from the menses amount of pain, but also from comprehending Freddy's secret. I mean, do I like him? He's a robot... But there's a soul in him. But the soul is just a kid... Unless the souls somewhat age. But he shouldn't even be living... Does it matter? I continued to ask myself things. Not that long after, the door opened and William rushed over to me.

"Oh my gosh! Y/N! I knew those animatronics where dangerous! You shouldn't have stayed here! And why was this on my window?" He showed me a sticky note that said 'Check the Supply Closet' in really bad hand writing.

"I- It wasn't the animtronics..." I said.

"Oh, wait... Who wrapped you up? No one was here." He said in confusion.

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me." I said.

"I could try." He smiled.

"I- Angle. Yeah, it was an Angle." I said.

"And who hurt you?" He asked.

"Myself and a demon." I stated firmly. I heard something snarl from behind me. Ennard.

"Alright then, that's definiantly crazy. Let's get you home. Oh wait... You won't have one." William's eyes looked as if they where glowing purple. He slammed the door shut from behind him and locked it. I could only see him with the dim light of the closet.

"W-what?" I asked. Then he slowly pulled out a knife. I shuttered a breath and drew back.

"No, no, no, no!!!" I said. He got closer to me, and closer, and closer.

"Yes, oh yes, yes, yes. Ballora didn't kill them, I did." He smiled.

"I- You- I knew that! She told me!" I said.

"No she didn't, you can't-" I cut him off.

"She is Clara Afton, your wife!" I said. He paused. His eyes seemed to fade, but then went purple again.

"No." He said. He lifted his free hand.

"No, No, no!!! FREDDY!!!!! PLEASE!! HEL-" William covered my mouth.

"How do you think that over sized junk of a machine will hear you? It's just a robot!" He said. I squirmed and squirmed. I tried to shout, but William pushed on my mouth and it was hurting me a lot. He slowly lifted his knife and shot it down to my face. At the same time, The door fell down and something lunged at William Afton, knocking him off his feet. The knife still got my face, but just a small scar. I jumed up and ran to the door, before I exited, I saw Funtime Freddy battling to keep William in one place. 

"You think you scare me? Jake." He smiled. Freddy's ears went down but he didn't stop fighting. I picked up my phone and just as I was about to call 911, Freddy got up. William was no longer moving. He walked over to me and lower my arm.

"It's done." He whispered in my ear. I hugged him and started crying. The blood from my scar was trickling down my cheek. Freddy rubbed my back kissed my head.

"It's ok, Y/N. He can't hurt you or anyone else, anymore." Freddy whispered softly. My frown slowly turned into a smile as I cried more and more.

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