The Missing Kids

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"I'm going to go to see Circus Baby, bye aunt Y/N!" Charles shouted over the tumult of other children. Today, Daniel and Melody where on a Honeymoon so I was babysitting the kids. All of them, Luke, Charles, and Carolyn, where playing with Baby. All of a sudden, my boss, William, walked up to me.

"Hey Y/N. I need you to clean up Funtime Freddy for me. Some kid must have gotten on stage with him and put cotton candy or something onto him. Can you get it done in an hour?" He asked. I nodded.

"I'm babysitting my cousin's kids right now. I'd have to tell-" William cut me short.

"I can watch them for you. If fact, I was planning on taking a few children back stage to see Ballora perform." He smiled. I got out of my chair.

"Thank you. I'll go get some things to clean Freddy." I smiled. William nodded and sent me over to the parts n' service closet. I grabbed a brush, cause Futime Freddy is made of fur, some wipes, and gloves then made my way over and into the Funtime Autitorium. It, was, a, mess!

"Goodness gracious! How do these kids get away with it!?" I exclaimed as I saw candy littered over the floor, ketchup stained on the candy and the floor, in fact, a big, giant puddle of it as well. Tables where flipped and, sure enough, Funtime Freddy was messy as well as Foxy.

"Should've grabbed a mop." I sighed. I set down the supplies I already had and walked towards the door. I thought I heard some movement from behind me.

"Shhhh." Ok, now I'm getting Stranger Things vibes. I slowly turned around, half expecting the shiny black monster from A Quiet Place to stare me in the eyes and make a hole through my chest, but instead, I saw Funtime Freddy holding a mop, and Funtime Foxy holding a bucket of water.

"Oh. Ok, now I'm suspicious." I shrugged and walked up to them. I slowed down and felt as if I was shrinking before the robots. Right, I'm afraid of robots. I thought with a shiver. I gulped and lifted my shaky hands up to grab to mop. I expected him to have a strong grip, but as soon as I got a hold of it, Freddy's hand opened, making me jerk back in shock.

"Ok. Are you turned on or s-something?" I stuttered as I looked all over for a button or lever, which, not surprisingly, there was none. I stepped back from him and went over to Funtime Foxy. I grabbed the handle of the bucket, and sure enough, Foxy's hand opened.

"O-oh, W-well. Thank you two if you can even hear me." I sighed as I carefully hopped off there stage. I dipped the mop into the bucket, but before I began to mop the floor, I remembered Freddy and Foxy. I set down the mop and bucket to grab the brush, wipes, and gloves. I put on the gloves and turned around. My eyes widened as I saw Funtime Freddy and Foxy both sitting on the stage instead of standing.

"Um. That kid of makes me feel better..." I said as I tilted my head. I shook it off and walked back up to them.

"Oh, and I'm so sorry about last night Foxy. I really didn't, and don't, want to shock you nor anyone else. Oh yeah, that also reminds me, where were you Freddy? I mean, I thought you two where always on the same stage. I guess not. I'll eventually find you Freddy, and Bon-Bon. And I'll see what I can do about the shocking things." I said as I began to carefully pull out the sticky cotton candy out of Freddy's fur.

"You can't do anything about it." I stopped moving my hand. Did he just talk? I asked myself. I mean, it could've been the wind. I shivered and nodded. Not like they can see me anyways. When I was done wiping and pulling out what not's out of Foxy and Freddy's fur, I began to brush it. It was oddly satisfying to brush their fur. I started to hum You Say by Lauren Diagle.

"Sing...." I heard a faint whisper. Assuming it was my tiny voice inside my head, I pulled out my phone and played the song. I closed my eyes as I was brushing and hummed sung my favorite part.

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