Meeting the 'Him'

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"Hello? Can you hear me?" A female voice arose from the stillness. I was sweating in fear.

"Y-yes. Who are you?" I instinctively asked. I squirmed around in the darkness and fumbled my eyes every direction trying to find who the voice's owner was, only to find nothing but black mist accumulating any vision.

"I can not yet tell you of my origin. I am only here to warn you... about him..." She said. I tried to run in what I thought was the direction of her voice, but she sounded like she was behind me instead.

"Listen. I have limited time until I must go. Beware of a man in a purple uniform. He is out... for blood..." She said. I shivered and felt cold rush up my spine.

"We will be waiting, we will try our best to..." Then her voice went silent. I looked around.

"Try to what? Hello? Are you still there???" I called, but no response.

I woke up to the sound of Melody calling for breakfast.

"Just a dream." I told myself, but I knew, deep inside, that even dreams held their own secrets. I got out of bed and stretched. Then I went into the bathroom, changed my clothes, and brushed my teeth before heading downstairs and catching a waff of yummy smelling bacon and pancakes. I was glad my mom had given Melody her recipe. I sat down at the table as Charles passed me a plate with 2 pancakes and 2 prices of bacon.

"Do you want the extra pancake, Charles?" I asked. He looked suprised but nodded and took it off my plate.

"Hey Mel, do you have whipped cream?" I asked.

"Sorry, no. Daniel is allergic to something in it." She said. I nodded. I was too tired and lazy to smear the butter onto the pancake so I just ate it plain and munched on some bacon. Carolyn looked very happy and upbeat today, oh yeah, it's her Birthday.

"Alright guys and gals, we are leaving at 8:45 to get to Circus Baby's Pizza World. I will call you down when time. Be ready and dresses before I call." Melody said as Luke, Daniel, Charles, and I all went up to our rooms. I looked at the time, 8:20. I sighed and took a nice, hot, 15 minutes shower. I felt relaxed after that. I put on my F/S (Favorite Shirt) and went downstairs to see all the kids putting on their shoes and the adults getting their phones and Mel stuffing some things into her purse. I shoved my F/C phone into my pocket and slipped on my sneakers.

"We are going to walk." Melody said as me and the kids exited the home. Me and Carolyn where going to walk together, Luke and Charles will stick together, and Mel and Dan would walk together. I planned on letting Mel take Carolyn so I could be free once we get there.

"So, how old ya turning?" I asked with a smile.

"4!" She smiled back.

"Great!" I said cheerfully.

"Yeah, and I'm 10, and Luke is 7." Charles said.

"And I'm 18." We all laughed then Daniel and Mel walked out the door.

"And here we go!" Daniel said as he grabbed his wife's hand and began to walk ahead of us.

After a 20 minute walk, we where just outside the door. Daniel pushed it open and stood to the side as me and everyone else walked in. It was a colorful place. When we got in, a lady greeted us.

"We have a reservation under the name Gidieon." Melody said. Gidieon was their last name.

"Oh yes, you will be in Funtime Autitorium, then you will be moved to the main stage for the finale at 10:00. Waitresses and Butlers will come around every once in a while to take an order. Here is you ticket." The woman smiled and handed Mel a ticket.

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