Getting There

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I laid wide awake in my bed. I has been 20 minutes since Kevin and Jade had left. I checked my phone. 11:48 PM. Great. I thought. I sighed and decided to text Melody. I lived in Las Aneles, so she should be awake all the way in New Jersey, New York.

Hey cus. 

I texted her.

Hey Y/N! Why are you still awake?

Melody sent.

Just can't sleep I guess. How's life?

I asked.

Could be better if you weren't moving in.

She texted sarcastically. I snarled to myself while reading t.

I see how it is. After how many years not seeing each other and this is how I am being welcomed.

I sent back.

Watch your attitude! And be nice around Jake and my kids.

She warned.

Yah, yah. I know. Now good night!

I sent back in anger. 

Ok then. You need it. And see you in a couple days.

I huffed and turned off my phone. I put it on top of my nightstand. I sighed and got up. I will probably leave around dinner if I had a guess. I decided to pack my things until I felt tired. 

After a more than 25 minutes, I had folded and packed all of my clothes into my suitcase and I was not rampaging through my other things, packing the things I needed. After what felt like about 5 minutes, I was looking through my closet when I found a picture. I took it out of the closet and tears began to form as I looked at it.

"I miss you, Buckie." I sobbed as I looked at the picture of me and my old F/B (Favorite Breed) dog when I was 4 years old. The picture was taken at this old pizzaria called... oh what was it's name again? Right, 'Freddy Fazbear's Pizza'. That place gave me the creeps. I never really liked robots, they scared me.

"I remember having a nightmare about those robots once." I said, tears still streaming from my eyes. I whipped the tears and packed the picture. I ended up keeping my charger, clothes, the picture, my diary, my guitar, and a CD I got at a concert. I trashed everything else. I still didn't feel tired, so I grabbed my phone and played some Minecraft. As I was playing, I slowly started to drift off to sleep.

"Y/N! Wake up! You need to eat!" My mom called, making me jump up with shock. I groaned and checked my phone. 8:50 AM. I rolled my eyes and got up, changed, brushed my teeth, rushed my hair, and walked to the kitchen.

"How you feeling, hun?" My dad asked. He was helping mom set out plates.

"Meh." I said I sat down and grabbed the butter and a knife. Before I could get some butter onto my pancakes, my mom stopped me.

"How about whip cream and strawberry jam?" She suggested. I nodded and she did it for me.

"There you go!" She said cheerfully as I sat down and cut a piece out of the pancake. I took a bite of it. It was delicious, as always.

"MMmmm." I mumbled while cutting another piece out.

"Good, eh?" My dad smiled. I nodded and finished my pancake. When I was done, I made myself a cup of coffee.

"So, you know you're leaving at 11:00, right?" I looked up at my mom and sipped my coffee. When I took a decent sized drink of it, I set it down on the table.

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