Is Time Fast Or Am I Slow?

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Here we go. I thought as I took a deep breath and nocked on the door.

"Come in!" I heard Melody's gentle, muffled, call. I twisted the door knob and walked into the large home.

"Your room is upstates. Charles!!! Show your aunt Y/N to her room." Melody said. A small, skinny, brown haired boy walked down from upstairs. He was wearing a shirt with what looked like a clown, a ballerina, a pink and white fox, and a purple bear with a blue Bunny hand puppet. It had a lable on it... 'Circus Baby's Pizza World'. I wonder what that is. I thought sarcastically. Charles lead me up there stairs and down a hallway. He opened the second door on the right and let me walk inside. There was basically nothing exept a TV, nightstand, and a bed. Also a closet and bathroom. I sighed and set down my things.

"Hey Aunt Y/N, we are going to Circus Baby's Pizza World tomorrow for Carolyn's birthday." Charles said before shutting the door.

"Ok." I muttered.

"And you have to come." He whispered through a crack in the door. I huffed and began unloading my stuff. I set my picture on my nightstand, my clothes in the closet, my charger and laptop on the floor, plugged into the wall, charging. I sighed as I unpacked the last of my things.

"LUNCH TIME!" Melody yelled form downstairs. I got up and went out of my room. I saw Luke and Carolyn running down the hallway and fighting to be the first one down for lunch. Kids. I thought with sarcasm. I walked down the stares and smelled Spaghetti. I rolled my eyes. I don't want that. I thought. I rounded the corner and walked over to the table where everyone was sitting.

"We have fruit salad, burgers, and Spaghetti. We also have tea, apple juice, V8, and water." Melody said. I nodded and grabbed me a plate. I got a fruit salad and V8 drink and sat down with them. It felt kinda akward.

"So, Y/N. Tell us about your old job." Melody encouraged.

"Well, I was a swim coach and all. For part-time that is." I said awkwardly. I finished my salad after maybe 3 minutes and grabbed my drink. I stood up and began walking up the stairs. I looked back and saw the family chatting like a normal family as soon as I left. I sighed and went back into 'my' room.

"Guess I gotta find a job." I sighed. I didn't want to search right now, but deep inside, something was telling me I had to search in order keep living here. I sighed and decided I would look tomorrow. 

After maybe 10 minutes, I got bored of just sitting on my bed so I decided to go on a walk. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs.

"Where are you going, Y/N?" Daniel, Melody's husband, asked me.

"For a walk." I said. He nodded.

"Be back before 3:20." He said. I realized how he had a New Yorker's accent. If that's even a word. Anyways, I made my way outside and looked around. There where a few, white, fluffy clouds in the sky, but that was it. I check that time on my phone. 12:30. I had a little more than 2 hours to kill. I started walking down the left block. The city was big, bigger than I imagined. As I was walking, I noticed a poor, old man on the street. Knowing my soft hearted, good-natured, self, I pulled out a five dollar bill from my pocket and gave it to him.

"Thank you, miss!" He said. His eyes where wide with sock and happiness as he started at the dollar. He fumbled with it, as if he had never seen one before.

"You're welcome! And call me Y/N." I said cheerfully. The old man stood up and hugged me. All this over 5 lousy dollars? I thought. Wait, he's homeless and poor. No figure. I laughed at myself for forgetting that small detail. He let go of me and pranced away, into an alleyway where there was 3 boxes and 2 kids. I smiled and continued walking. After maybe 12 minutes, I rounded the corner and about ran into a wall that towered over me. I backed away and looked at the entrance. There was countless vehicles and screaming children entering. Above the entrance was a bright and colorful sigh that read, 'Circus Baby's Pizza World'. Ah, yes. The pizza place I've heard so much about. I sighed and turned around to go the other way. I decided to take a break on a bench just beyond the corner and check the time. It was already 1:45. I rolled my eyes and then thought for a moment. If I left at 12:30, and it took me 18 minutes to get to where I am now, how has an hour gone by so fast? Or am I just really slow at walking and or bad at telling time? I thought before a child's scream rung through the air. It was loud and annoying. The exited and frantick children raced away from their parents and into the pizzaria. I heaved myself up and started walking back towards Melody's home. I checked the time at the door. 2:00. Ok, this is weird. I thought as I shoved my phone back into my pocket and opened the door.

"Finally." Daniel said as I took off my shoes and put them on a rack beside the door. Melody and Carolyn where cooking something that smelled like cookies. I sighed. How am I not in the mood for cookies!? I yelled at myself. I went over to the fridge and got out a salad.

"What are you doing? We have your favorite cookies cooling off." Melody said.

"Just- I guess I'm not really in the mood today. Sorry Mel." I said. Mel was a nickname I had given her. 

"If you say so Y/N/N." Melody said as I sat down at the table with my fork and started eating. Charles brought me some V8.

"Thank you Charles." I smiled at him. He nodded and helped Luke with what looked like a volcano. Probably a science project for his school. When I finished my salad, I went up to my room and browsed the internet before getting bored and playing some Minecraft.

"CURFEW, everyone. LIGHTS OUT!" Melody yelled, pausing at my door when she said, 'everyone'. I sighed and got up to turn off my bedroom light, then curled up in my bed. I ignored Mel's warning of not to be awake. I got on and watched some YouTube videos, mainly blogs. I eventually drifted off to sleep while watching a vlog about birds. Blackness... Blackness everywhere.... until.

Show Time Every Time (Funtime Freddy x Y/N Fem!)Where stories live. Discover now