A Gift

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"Come on, we have to leave now. W-we will see you down t-there..." Funtime Freddy said. He looked kinda worried.

"O-ok..." I tried not to cry ever since he showed up. The dim lights flickered and as soon as I blinked, they where all gone.

"Y/N? Why on Earth are you doing here? Whatever, don't answer that. Your look tell me enough, now, come. It's about time for your shift! Oh wait, it is time for your shift!" William said quickly. I nodded my apologies and walked out.

"Oh, and again, I'm so sorry for your loss." William said. No you're not. My tiny voice said. I sighed.

"It's ok. I'm sure it wasn't your fault." I lied, OH MY GOSH, I JUST LIED TO MY BOSS! That kinda felt good to be honest. I thought. William seemed to be unmoved. I shrugged to myself and continued walking to the elevator. I looked back to see William suspiciously looking around from outside the closet to the Janitor's closet. He saw me looking at him and waved, I waved back instinctively. When he looked away, I was going to go after him, but the elevator shut the doors and took me down below.

"Welcome to the second night of your thrilling new career!" Hand unit's voice started. I groaned.

"WHYYYYYY!!!!!" I shouted before pulling out my wireless airpods. I put on Give Heaven Some Hell by Hardy.

"I hope you hit those, gold streets on two wheels, I hope you mention that the sky's got a ten acre field, with some mud and some hugs, you can lock in. Make some thunder, make 'em wonder how ya got in." As I sang along, I felt tears start to form. It reminded me of Carolyn's bubbly personality. 

Not long after, I hit rock bottom, not only in my emotions, but in the elevator shaft as well. I didn't want to crawl through that vent, but I had to.

"Alright. Listen annoying Hand Unit thingy, I don't like-"

"Let's see what Baby is up to!" Hand Unit said.

"you... You could at least let me finish talking! Ugh, wait, why Baby first? Don't we usually check on-"

"Let's see what Baby is up to!" Hand Unit said again.

"Fine!" I unexpectedly shouted.

"Shh... please..." The faint whisper made me turn to Funtime Autitorium. I walked up to the panel, staring down the light button.

"Let's see what Baby is up to!" The voice kept repeating after ever minute or two. I pushed the button and saw Funtime Foxy as the window. I slightly jumped back then the power went off.

"Sorry." I whispered back before ducking down to enter Circus Baby's Control Room.

"Let's see what-" As Hand Unit was still talking, I got annoyed.

"I GET IT! TURN ON THE LIGHTS AND SEE IF THEY'RE ON STAGE! NOW PLEASE, JUST SHUT YOUR- ROBOTIC- SPEAKER THING!" I yelled. Then I sat their in a moment of silence, remembering that Foxy was sensitive to loud things.

"I'm sorry for yelling." I whispered. I heard small movement. I sighed and pressed the button, no Baby. As usual. I thought.

"Let's give Baby some motivation!" Hand Unit said.

"Not an us, a you! I don't want to shock her!" I quietly yelled.

"Let's give Baby some motivation!" Hand Unit seemed to be a little agitated.

"It won't hurt me." I heard a very faint whisper. I gulped, shut my eyes, and pressed the shock button. Nothing.

"There seems to be a power malfunction that is affecting our ability to properly motivate Baby. Please standby, while I reboot the system. I will be offline momentarily during this process. Various other systems may be offline as well. Such as Security doors, Vent locks, Oxygen. Commencing system restart." Just then, all the lights went out.

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