Meeting A New Friend

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"Awe come on! Why not?" Baby pouted.

"It's been, what? 3 days?" Funtime Freddy retorted.

"True there." Baby sighed. They act like children, well, all but Ballora. I thought. You should ask. That tiny voice in me shouted as loud as it's little tone can carry it. I shook my head. It has a point, I wouldn't be surprised considering the deal with Markus, Luke, and Carolyn. Just thinking about them makes me want to cry.

"Are you ok, Y/N?" Ballora asked. The rest of the group looked back at me.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine." So what? I lied. What's a little lie gonna do?

"Oh, I bet you want to talk to your neice and nefews." Baby said. Can she read minds!? I exclaimed. Everyone started out the door, followed by me. Circus Baby lead us to her Autitorium, but paused at the door.

"If you all would sit tight, I need to talk to someone." Baby said.

"Are you two seriously still talking after all this time?" Ballora questioned.

"Yes, mother. He is different now. I guess a lot happens after you get scooped..." Baby trailed off before opening the door. I watched as the darkness consumed her. There was a loud, CRASH that came from outside.

"AH! What was that?" Freddy slightly jumped, somehow.

"Oh, thunder? Haven't you been in a storm? It happens when warm air and cold air collide really fast. I think..." I said.

"It was loud though!" Freddy stammered.

"Awe, is the big guy scared of a little storm?" Foxy teased.

"N-no!" Freddy stuttered angerly.

"It's ok Freddy. We're safe inside." I assured him. He looked from Foxy, to me, then to the covered window.

"You sure?" He still sounded a little scared.

"Mhm." I said. Freddy didn't ease, but he did look away and try not to make a big deal out of it. Shortly after, Baby opened the door again.

"Alright! You're safe to come in! Ballora, Y/N, you might wanna be very careful. I forgot to tell him that you where human, Y/N." Baby announced.

"If he dares-" Freddy started before getting cut off by a big BOOM from outside. His ears flattened again and he walked inside, followed by me, Foxy, Ballora, and Baby. The lights where very dim, probably still broken. On stage was a pile of something.

"Ennard, I forgot to tell-" Baby was cut off by the thing on her stage.

"You brought a human?" The thing said as it stood up. It was facing me. It had a white mask and a yellow and green party hat looking thing. Aside from that, it seemed to just be wires in all directions, making a body shape.

"Well, she's the new night guard. Please, Ennard, you have to understand, she has been through a lot. No thanks to my dad..." Baby said briefly.

"I make no promises." It said. It had an earie mysteriousness to it. Or I guess it is Ennard. He stepped off stage and walked up to me. He must be 3 feet taller than me, or I'm 3 feet shorter than him.

"Well..." He began. He lifted my chin with his wiry hand.

"And what's your name?" He asked. His glowing silvery lavender eye shone into mine.

"Her name is Y/N." Funtime Freddy said, walking up to stand beside me. Ennard let go of my chin and went over to size Freddy up.

"What's your problem today?" Ennard said sarcastically.

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