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"Oh, where did this come from?" Foxy asked, carefully picking up the cat.

"I found it yesterday in the Beaker Room and gave it to Y/N." Freddy said.

"Did you name it, Y/N?" Foxy asked.

"N-not yet... But I was thinking along the lines of Princess or Sakura." I said.

"What does 'Sakura' mean?" Freddy asked as II squirmed out of his grip.

"It means cherry blossoms in Japanese." I told him.

"Cool." He replied, keeping his gaze fixed on me.

"Hey, you know where the kids are?" Foxy asked.

"It's closed for today, bad storm." I explained.

"Oh, ok. Are you gonna go home?" Foxy questioned.

"No." I said sternly.

"What? You can't stay here! William would kill us, maybe even you!" Freddy sounded very concerned.

"So?" I said sarcastically.

"Fred, just give up, she isn't gonna budge." Foxy said in defeat.

"He has a point." I said. Freddy sighed and stood up.

"Alright then. We need to leave. William will be coming soon. If he tried anything, yell for us and run. Just run. Call the cops, scream bloody murder. Hear me?" Freddy said sternly.

"She get's it. Now git." Foxy demanded. Freddy rolled his eyes and helped me up.

"I will." I said as he pulled me into one more big hug.

"Good." He patted and followed Foxy into the darkness. The cat purred and rubbed it's face on my leg.

"Yeah. Your name is Sakura. How you like it?" I said to the cat.

"Meow!" The cat said in-between a purr.

"Take that as a 'I like it.'" I thought out loud. Then the door opened.

"Hey Y/N. You alright in here? Don't want you disappearing or getting killed, haha!" He said with a nervous chuckle.

"Y-yeah. Just- I needed some alone time." I said.

"In here?" William asked confused.

"The animatronics bring me comfort." I tried to explain.

"And what do you mean by that?" He promted.

"I talk to 'myself' I guess and I like pretending that I'm having a conversation with them. It's actually quite comforting." I said with a small smile.

"Ok then, are you gonna leave?" He asked.

"Can I take day shift and night shift today? I had some family trauma and I doubt they want to see me for a while." I sighed.

"Sure! So, do you need a place to stay? I have an extra room. Actually, two rooms..." William offered.

"N-no! I'm fine. If I don't go home, then I'll just sleep here." I said.

"You're crazy. It's storming outside and this is not a house." He said. He sounded somewhat discusted.

"I know I am." I stated. William shrugged.

"Alright then, I'll leave most doors unlocked for you. You'll be the only person here. You ok with that?" He said.

"More than ok." I said. William sighed and turned around.

"See you tomorrow then." He said.

"Wait, you're letting me stay?" I asked.

"Well, yeah. I've seen my share of weird people, and children, and at this point, I'm too guilty to care." He said before shutting the door and leaving. I heard stirring.

"Is he gone?" Freddy whispered.

"Of course he's gone!" Foxy answered. Then I heard footsteps moving around and a shadow covered the door.

"Yeah, he just left the building." Freddy said.

"Good. Hey Bon-Bon, can you turn on the lights?" Foxy called out.

"I'll do it." I offered. I scampered around a bit before my hands felt a big switch. I pulled the lever and the light came on, revealing Freddy and Foxy.

"Oh, where'd he go?" Foxy asked.

"Something about visiting someone he knows." Freddy shrugged.

"Oh, I know who." Foxy said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Her name is Bonnet." Foxy answered.

"Why does he want to talk to Bonnet so badly?" Freddy exclaimed.

"Oh, did he not tell you? He has a crush on her." Foxy said. Robots can have crushes? They have feeling? I silently asked.

"Of course he does." Freddy sighed. Then, the door swung open and revealed Baby standing in the door way with an evil smug look on her face.

"Baby!?" Foxy exclaimed in supprisement.

"Hey Funtime Freddy! Got anything new to tell me?" Baby said mischievously.

"Wha- Huh?" Freddy stuttered. His eyes dilated and his ears went flat again.

"YOU DO!" Baby exclaimed.

"What's happening?" Foxy asked.

"BALLORA! YOU'RE RIGHT! HE DOES!" Baby called. Then I heard the familiar music.

"Sweetheart, please, don't yell like that." Ballora said softly.

"Sorry mom." Baby said.

"What. Just. Happened?" I asked. Everyone turned their attention to me. Baby seemed to be holding something big from me.

"Spill it." I said.

"FREDDY HAS-" Baby began.

"I HAVE NOTHING! I- I- I... I CAN'T THINK OF AN EXCUSE!" Freddy shouted over Baby, making sure I couldn't hear her.

"Woah. One at a time. I'm going to let Ballora explain because she is calmer.

"Well, I had a theory, shared it with Baby, she got exited, a little too exited, and came here to see if I was right. And from what I've heard, I was right." Ballora explained.

"Ok. Now, Funtime Freddy, explain, calmly." I said.

"It's a secret, and I don't want anyone else to know." Freddy said nervously.

"Wait, Baby, is it..." Foxy pointed at me while looking at Baby. Baby nodded her head.

"Oh. I already knew that, friend." Foxy said to Freddy with a 'meh' expression.

"Wha- How?" Freddy said in embarrassment.

"It's kinda obvious." Ballora said plainly.

"CaN I tElL hEr NoW?!?!?!" Baby asked excitedly.

"Tell who what?" I asked.

"No. Baby. Just- no. Please." Freddy begged.

Show Time Every Time (Funtime Freddy x Y/N Fem!)Where stories live. Discover now