The Final Night

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I woke up to Melody nudging me out of bed.

"Y/N. You've been sleeping all day, come eat some dinner before going to your job." Melody said. I groaned but grudgingly got up, fixed my hair, brushed my teeth, and changed clothes. My hair was in a pony tail today. I went downstairs and smelled bacon. Breakfast for dinner, classic. I thought. I sat down at the table and Daniel gave me and Melody a plate with eggs and bacon on it. I ate mine as fast as I could then put on my shoes.

"Oh, by the way guys, my brother is going to pick me up at the air port tomorrow. I'm moving in with him." I told them. Melody and Daniel nodded.

"Once you get home, pack your things!" Melody shouted as I went out then door.

"I will!" I called back. I rushed to the building and entered the doors. Sarah wasn't there, weird. I went into the elevator. ORVI was talking bout stuff that I didn't care for. When the elevator stopped, I entered the vent in then the control room. It was like my first night.

"Let's check if Ballora is on her stage." ORVI said.

"She's dead..." I said. I rolled my eyes and pressed the button. There was a shadow of someone handing. Someone hung their self! It seemed to be fem- SARAH! I gasped and turned off the light.

"Great. Now let's check on Funtime Foxy." ORVI said. I pressed the light, another person hanging. It looked like... WILLIAM AFTON!

"Great! It looks like everything is as should be in Funtime Autitorium!" ORVI said cheefully.

"NO IT'S NOT!" I shouted in sheer shock and panic.

"Your sift work today will involve more maintenance work. Circus Baby had a rough day and is in need of repair. You will be required to reach the parts n' service room by once again sneaking through Funtime Autitorium. As always, please proceed with caution." ORVI said. I gulped and crouched down to enter the pitch black room. As I walked through the room, there was nothing. No sounds, no words, no movement, just me. When I reached the door, I entered the room and saw Baby turned off.

"Great job reaching Parts n' Service! Circus Baby deactivated for an unknown reason. It's your job to make sure she is structurally stable and secure to the conveyor. Our technitions will take it form there." ORVI said. Then it went quiet.

"Can you hear me?" Baby said.

"Yes!" I said.

"I'm pretending. The cameras are watching. I must be careful not to move. Something bad happened yesterday... Something bad always happens... I don't want it to happen again. There is something bad inside of me. I'm broken... I can't be fixed. I'm going to be taken to the scooping room soon, but it's not going to fix me what's wrong with me. What is bad is always left behind. Will you help me? I want you to save what is good so the rest will be destroyed and never recovered. But you must be careful." Baby said. I stuttered a breath.

"I- I will always help you, you're my friend." I was about to cry. I hated seeing my only friends in this city suffering.

"Ballora is here in the room with us. Ballora will not return to her stage. Ballora will not return to her body. You must be careful." Baby said. She got me close enough to tears that I could hardy see. But something about her voice had a weird echo to it. She didn't sound like the Circus Baby I knew.

"You must remain calm and listen to my voice. There is a button on my cheek. You must find it and press it." Baby said. I tilted my head and looked at her right cheek. I felt around it for a second until I heard a CLICK. Her face plate opened.

"There is a pass code that you must before you can retrieve me. Enter the code carefully. 9." She started. I pressed the ninth button thing. I was on my tip toes.

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