The small kitten

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I am taking off my lab coat. That last patient was quite the trouble maker but I have this magic touch with animals so the dog soon was docile and calm in my hands. I feed the overnight patients in their cages and then grab a big bag of food and a few bowls. I walk out the back to the back alley and am almost instantly swarmed by strays. Cats, dogs, even birds. They all know where to be. So I put down the bowls and fill them with food. I buy it with my own money. I have a soft spot for creatures, big and small. I kneel next to the bowl and pet some tabby cats. "Is it good, fellows? Steward, how have you been? You've been out for a while. And Annie, I can see that you had a good time... pregnant? Wow, you sure didn't play around." I smile gently and Annie pets her head against my knee.

I got up again and took the empty bowls with me inside. I rinse them and make my way out. I put on my trench coat and walk to my apartment that isn't that far. Winter is coming soon, and it's quite chilly. I enter my small apartment and take off my coat. There is a frame mark on the dresser next to the door where I put my shoes. I haven't had time to clean yet, and the frame has long gone. I had a lover before, but he cheated on me and abused me. I'm happy he is out of my life, and yet I feel lonely. Wondering if I can ever find love again.

I take out a 1 person, microwave meal and put it in. I am not that rich at all. I work full hours but just to survive, I don't turn a profit because I don't believe that healthcare for pets should be overly expensive. I do get volunteers that donate things to me, and some even drop money in a tip jar, but that all goes straight to the stray animals. I don't take any money from the tip jar. I sit on the couch and eat the meal before returning to my bed and fall asleep soon after because I need to open shop at 8 am tomorrow again.

The next day I treated a parrot, and about 5 dogs and 1 cat. After I finish for the day, I do my closing ritual again. I squat in the alleyway and look over the munching little critters when suddenly my eyes are drawn to something between the trash cans.

Yoongi POV

I am staggering through the streets. I am holding my side, and have blood running over my pale face. I am panting and some blood drips out of the corner of my mouth, and a fresh scab on my lip. I am limping and everyone avoids me. Life hasn't been that easy for me. I am not a normal human being. I am a hybrid. There aren't many in this world, but the few that are, are of course being alienated. Being seen as inhumane, as an animal. Animals in this world don't have an easy life, ask any vegetarian why they decided to be one. Even pets have to get damn lucky to get a golden basket.

I have tried to be accepted as a human, and as a pet, but none turned out for the best for me. I soon gave up on trusting people and started to become more and more involved in dangerous activities and people. Because criminals don't care if you're a human or animal. They treat you like shit anyway. This time I got away, but it is getting harder and harder. I'm not that young anymore. I don't have a family. My mom abandoned her nest right after getting pregnant again by someone else. Most of my brothers and sisters died soon after, I barely managed by eating their corpses. That's something I don't want to be remembered of. Of course when they are born, they are in their animal form. They stay like that until their first turn after 2 months. I was alone when it happened. Totally naked, I was in the middle of the street. No one helped this little boy, they were all disgusted by him. I knew then already that this world would be hard for me. Harder than I could ever have imagined. Because 24 years later, I'm now limping and attacked like this.

I cough and a cynical smile darts on my lips. I lean heavily against the wall with my hand and pass by a pet store. It was closed. That's another thing. If I'm sick, where do I go? Doctor? Vet? I walk past it and hold onto the corner, where there is an alleyway. I smell something good. Is this cat food? Well, anything is better than garbage....Hope I won't have to fight some cat for it... I heave a deep sigh and use all of my energy to transform into my animal form.

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