Like cat and dog

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Taehyung is in front of the house he's been to before. He takes a deep breath. He rings the bell. A woman opens the door. "Hello, I'm a classmate of Jungkook, is he home?" Taehyung says and the lady looks at him up and down, taken in by his beauty and yells out. "Gukkie? A friend is here!" She walks back in the house and he hears Jungkook stomp down the stairs. When his youthful gaze meets Taehyung's, his face twists a bit. "It's you." He says in a cold voice. He hasn't forgotten about how Taehyung blew him off, him and his feelings. "I know. You told me you wanted to help Jin and Yoongi hyung? At hearing those names his face relaxes again. "Yes, why?" "I have some pics of ledgers I found in Namjoon's, but I don't know what to do with them. Maybe you can check it for clues?" Jungkook doubts a bit before he walks aside and lets Taehyung in. "Mom! We'll be in my room!" He yells before closing the door after Taehyung enters.

Taehyung knew the way to his room so easily. He breathes in the musk scent of the teen boy before taking a seat on the floor in front of the bed. Jungkook takes a seat on the bed and Taehyung hands Jungkook his phone, who plugs it into his laptop and in a few clicks is in the phone memory. Taehyung leans on the bedside with his head on his arms. Jungkook keeps himself from petting over his head like he would do V. He clicks and searches and eventually finds a trace. He starts to focus on the trace. "I got it." Taehyung wakes up and sits next to Jungkook, looking at the screen. "Tell me." "I found an address somewhere just on the outskirts of Seoul, in a desolated area. There have been food deliveries for just 2 people." Taehyung leans closer to Jungkook, and Jungkook turns to face Taehyung but is very close to his face. They exchange breaths and Taehyung's eyes are ghosting over Jungkook's face. Like magnets they are getting closer and closer until they kiss each other on their exhale. Taehyung's hand goes up to Jungkook's jaw and he cups the other's face, deepening the kiss. After a breathtaking, long kiss, they unlock their mouths and are panting and looking at each other. "Good job." Taehyung pants. Jungkook swallows and nods, blushingly. He felt aroused beyond anything. He wanted Taehyung, hard.

"C-can I have you?" Jungkook stutters. Taehyung's eyes are heavily lidded and as much as he wants to, he should restrain himself. "No. No, you can't. You're still a minor." He can't believe his own words, he who is always in for sex, restraining himself like this. "It's only one more month..." Jungkook whispers while still being all wound up, laying himself down on the bed. Taehyung grunts and tops Jungkook. He never felt this attracted before. Like even without having sex, he can feel his fangs already ache to claim this young man under him. "Goddarnit Jungkook. You are such a temptation." He leans over to kiss Jungkook again but just before his lips, he hovers and hesitates. Jungkook has his eyes already closed but suddenly misses the presence of Taehyung. Taehyung is back off the bed, and holds his phone. "So this is the address I need to look into?" Taehyung says calmly. Even though his insides are in turmoil. "Yes" Jungkook sits up in bed again, slightly annoyed. He felt so ready.

Taehyung just walks off. "You stay home, it's not safe. I'll go on my own." Jungkook gets up. "No, I'll go with you." Taehyung growls lowly. "NO!" He snarls at Jungkook, trying to protect him. Jungkook is startled and backs away again. Taehyung sighs and lowers his voice again. "Just... When I'm not back in the morning, give the address to Jin hyung. Let him go rescue his lover. So I need you here, safe. Divide and conquer, you know?" Jungkook nods. He understood what Taehyung meant, but it still irks him. "Give me your phone number. Let me know when you are safe." Taehyung sighs and writes it on a piece of paper. He hands it over to Jungkook and gives a deep, quick kiss to him before leaving his lips again. "Stay safe." Jungkook says in a whisper before he sees Taehyung run down the stairs, leaving.

Taehyung gets out of the bus, it's night time and in the dark of the night he transforms into his dog form because it's easier to maneuver in the wild. When he gets to the address, he notices it's a dark storage for industrial uses. He finds a way in and sniffs in the air. He can definitely smell Yoongi's musk. Things are so much easier sometimes to be a dog. The nose is a big give away, and the fact that he is almost hard to resist to cuddle would help him in case he meets trouble. He looks around and sees there are almost no cameras, but there is a table and a chair with a desk light just beside a door that seems heavily locked. He sniffs hard and can smell the musk strongly. He changes to human form trying to pull the door, but he realizes soon that it's locked and he needs a key to open it. He looks around in the dull hope of finding the key but there is none on the desk. He can hear a flushing sound and changes back to dog form.

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