Irish bomb

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Jin's days are boring. He is just relapsing to his old ways, of just living, but not being alive. Even V or Taehyung can't spark his interest that much. Somehow Suga seemed to have left a big imprint on Jin. Jin even dreamed about it. He asked Suga why he left and the kitten replied in the voice of Yoongi that he scented Jin so often that it would be hard to be seperated. Then Jin woke up and missed Suga even more. He is slightly freaked out that he felt like Suga, if he could speak, would sound like Yoongi.

Taehyung tried to have some more dates with Jin but Jin rejected every offer. But as V in Jin's house he couldn't progress on his relation with Jin either. He made a promise. One evening, Namjoon was at the door and V just knew that the disappearance of Yoongi had something to do with him. There is no other way that stubborn cat would leave Jin after fighting so hard for him.

Jin often looks in the back alley for Suga, in the hopes he would come limping back again. But no avail. He wishes he could talk to animals more than ever because he could use them to find Suga on the streets. So they could ask around. But it's impossible to talk to animals. Jin knows that much. He used to wish for it, but now his despair is even bigger.

Jungkook is out at his university and eats some tteokbeokki with his friends at a local street stall. He is laughing when he sees a flash of Yoongi walking on the other side of the street. He excuses himself to the others and runs to meet with the other, but that one just keeps on walking. He enters a pub where they sell whiskey as their specialty. Jungkook can't enter as a minor so he just notes it down.

When Jungkook enters the shop to visit V again, he just makes the casual remark to Jin. "So I saw Yoongi." At hearing the name, Jin immediately perks up. "Where?" "He went to a bar, on the other side of town." Jin eagerly waits for JK to finish his story. JK just gives Jin the location of the whiskey bar. Jin holds onto it and is slightly excited.

That same evening, Jin walks to find the bar, totally out of his comfort zone and slightly nervous. He finds the place and goes inside. He has almost no hope of seeing Yoongi there, but maybe the bartender would know more. He asks the bartender who does seem to know Yoongi. "That pale, smaller male? Yeah, he grabs the Irish Bombs and keeps on talking about how it represents friendship. And then he just becomes very depressed. I am guessing things aren't going well for him personally." "So he is a regular here?" "Yes. He tips well though. He doesn't look like someone that carries money. He looks more like an alleycat." The bartender scoffs. Jin knows enough. "Does he have regular days or hours he comes by?" The bartender nods. "He is mostly here on Wednesday and Friday night. Sometimes on Saturday but in the daytime." Jin nods. He looks at his watch and notices it is only 7pm. He orders a drink and takes a seat on a table. He waits.

Yoongi passes the school again and is about to enter the bar, but he steps back and sighs. He's been drinking more and more lately, and frankly it doesn't help him a bit. Maybe he should just quit it. He walks away but then retraces his steps back and enters anyway. Not able to walk away. He takes his seat at the bar and orders. The ice in his glass rings when the bartender puts it in front of him. He twirls it and stares at it. "Min Yoongi." Yoongi stiffens and puts the glass back down with a loud thud. That voice. Jin takes a seat next to him. "Here you've been hiding... I was worried about you. Why did you leave so suddenly?" Yoongi is still trying to process the fact he smells Jin again. He clenches his jaw, trying to control his instincts but since he's been deprived of them, he can't fight them any longer. He doesn't dare to look at Jin, too scared that he might just give into those feelings. He gets up and drops some notes on the bar before hurrying out, pulling his cap a bit more over his eyes.

He scurries through the back alley, thinking of changing into a kitten and just disappears but he hears Jin calling for him and it sounds like he is in Jin's sight. He panics and looks for a chance to transform. Jin pulls on his wrist and turns him around. He keeps his eyes down and looks down so the cap is hiding Jin's face from his eyes. Jin lets go of his wrist. A bit surprised, Yoongi looks at how Jin just let him go like that. He walks away. Jin has let him go because he doesn't know why he wants Yoongi that desperately. And in that moment of doubt he sees Yoongi walking off again. He is trembling and clenching his wrists while tears drop. "Why?" Yoongi stops in his tracks. Jin sounds defeated and Yoongi can hear the pain and tears in his voice. "What did I do wrong?" Yoongi shudders. Jin thinks he is the one in the wrong? I am the one who's the liar and monster! "Nothing." He answers dryly, still with his back to Jin. "Then why? Why don't you come by the shop anymore? Why did you leave me too? First Suga, then you... Why do people keep leaving me? Should I be alone for the rest of my life? Am I not worthy of being loved?" When hearing the last sentence, Yoongi can't keep calm anymore. He runs for it.

Jin kneels because he can't find the strength in his legs anymore. He is sobbing and his heart is feeling so heavy. Seeing Yoongi made him so happy, but then seeing Yoongi ignoring and avoiding him hurted even more than just thinking Yoongi was too busy for him. "Maybe Namjoon is right... Maybe he is the only one that wants me. Or to be with me. Even my kitten ran off. Am I this horrible of a person to be?" A white kitten sat on the wall, keeping an eye on Jin. Yoongi transformed when he was far enough and went back to check on Jin. His heart was crushing even more at hearing Jin doubt himself so much and crying. But he just can't go to Jin. Not after all this. Not after all the things he did before. Not after lying to himself that he was over Jin. Cause it's clear now. He wasn't. Over Jin, that is.

Jin suddenly hoists himself up and drags himself to the bar. He comes in and orders a big glass of Scotch. He downs it rapidly. He asks the bartender for another one. He downs that one too. The bartender tries to talk to Jin but Jin refuses to use the bartender's skills as a shrink. He just keeps downing them. One by one. Until the bartender decided Jin should be cut off after being too drunk to even keep his head up and eyes open. He kicks Jin out. Jin stumbles on the street, holding onto a lantern post. Tears are falling through the numb pain. He feels horrible. It is sickening. He leans over to the sidewalk and throws up. Just when he finished, he feels like sleeping and is about to pass out when hands grab and hold him.

Suga kept watch outside the bar, worried about how Jin behaved earlier. His animal instincts alerted him. It didn't sit well with him, at all. When Jin walked, or rather stumbled out of the bar, he followed Jin in cat form, from a safe distance. When he saw Jin almost pass out, he transformed into a human, catching Jin just in time. He drags Jin home on his back. The morning is already there and V isn't in the house because JK could host V at home for one night when his parents are out. Yoongi drops Jin at the front door, changes back into Suga and jumps in through the bathroom window. He opens the front door as Yoongi and drags Jin in again. He puts Jin on the bed.

Jin opens his eyes and sees Yoongi. When he closes them and opens them again, Yoongi is gone. But Suga is next to the bed. Jin smiles softly. Suga... He reaches out his hand to Suga who just jumps on the bed and starts to pet Jin's face. Jin's tears fall on his face and Suga licks them away, bringing Jin the greatest of all comforts. The love he so dearly missed. The love he never knew he needed this strongly. He babbles a bit drunk and starts to spill again. He talks about his feelings and emotions to Suga, glad to be loved by him again. "And I love you Suga. I love how much you mean to me. What you did to me. How you changed me. I love you. I really wished you were a human so I could love you in that way too. I think you would make a great partner for me. I mean... Yoongi isn't that bad either. I can't forget about him either. Neither you nor Yoongi. And both of you left me around the same time. Aren't both of you so similar to do something this cruel to me?"

Suga listens to Jin and hears the confession. He is actually human! He can make Jin's dream come true. He hesitates for a bit but jumps on top of Jin. He sighs a kitten sigh and suddenly grows. Jin's eyes are open at once. The kitten transformed slowly into less hairy, more human, with the last parts being the tail and ears. When they disappear, he sees Yoongi on all fours topping him. Yoongi doesn't make eye contact with Jin and keeps his head down, so Jin can only look into the cranial top of his head. Yoongi is scared. Decided, but scared out of his mind. He clenches his teeth and tears drop from under the hair onto Jin's chest. He waits a full minute, that felt like 10 minutes before raising his head, facing Jin and gauging his reaction. The moment he does, Jin cups Yoongi's face and smiles. He is smiling! Yoongi can't believe it!

"So beautiful. So perfect." Jin says. Yoongi breaks even more at the gentle touch of Jin on his cheek. His hands grip the blankets so hard, they are all huddled up. "No, I'm not. You are those things. Jin. I'm a monster." Jin keeps Yoongi's face cupped. "No, you are to me. Those things. I loved you as Suga, but I also loved you as Yoongi. And now you are both of them combined, how could I get this lucky?" Yoongi shakes his head and tears keep dropping. "I lied to you. I'm an ugly person that hurts you. I pretended to be Suga, and also Yoongi." "Be it as Suga, or Yoongi. You saved me." Hearing that confession again made Yoongi's heart swell up. He looks at Jin's face to spot the lie, but Jin has the normal, soft face again with a smile that graces his lips. His kissable lips. Yoongi knows what he wants this time, and he won't let it go again, never. He leans over Jin and kisses him, long and deep. Tears keep dropping and rolling onto Jin's face.

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